Pypasswd 1.0.0 | Coderz Product

pypasswd 1.0.0

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pypasswd 1.0.0

This Python package provides a secure and simple password generating library.
In order to generate passwords, a class PasswdGenerator was implemented.
All passwords are generated using the standard secrets module which is safe
for random number generation.
This PasswdGenerator’s __init__ takes a single argument which is a list
of strings from which to choose when generating passwords. The strings will
internally be stored as a list frozensets. If unspecified, the default
character sets to choose from will be:

lowercase letters
uppercase letters
punctuation (!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_\`{|}~')

PasswdGenerator objects are callable and will return a password when
called. Two parameters can be given, to the object when calling it, the length
of the password to generate and a boolean value telling the object wether
not to enforce strict password generation (at least one element from each
set). By default, the length of the generated password will be 64 and it
will be generated strictly.
These two snippets of code are equivalent:
import pypasswd

passwdgen = pypasswd.PasswdGenerator()
import string

import pypasswd

passwdgen = pypasswd.PasswdGenerator(
print(passwdgen(64, False))
Further documentation can be found here.

As most users will just want to run a script and get a password, a script named
pypasswd is shipped with this package. It’s usage is as follows:
usage: pypasswd [-h] [-n N] [-l L] [-c str [str ...]] [-S]

Securely generate a random password.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n N, --number N number of passwords to generate (default: 1)
-l L, --length L size of each password (default: 64)
-c str [str ...], --charsets str [str ...]
strings of characters to choose from (default: lowercase, uppercase, digits and punctuation)
-S, --no-strict do not force having at least one character from each character set (default: False)


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