Py Quota 0.0.3 | Coderz Repository

PyQuota 0.0.3

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PyQuota 0.0.3

PyQuota is a simple python wrapper for C apis of quotactl.
Supported kernel versions: >=2.4.22, <5.
Supported commands in C APIs:

Q_GETNEXTQUOTA (requires kernel >= 4.6)

Currently, none of the commands for XFS filesystem, e.g. Q_XQUOTAON, are supported due to lack of documentations and testing environments.
pip install pyquota

For each of the supported commands, as listed above, this package provides 3 Python methods, which corresponds to operations on user quotas, group quotas and project quotas. Project quota methods requires kernel >=4.1.
For illustration purpose, only examples of user quota methods are provided here. To use group/project quota methods, you only need to replace 'user' in the method names with 'group' or 'project'.
# Import package
import pyquota as pq

# Turn on user quota for a filesystem
pq.user_quota_on("/dev/sda1", pq.QFMT_VFS_V0, "/aquota.user") # device path, quota format, quota file path
# quota format can be either pq.QFMT_VFS_OLD, pq.QFMT_VFS_V0 or pq.QFMT_VFS_V1.

# Turn off user quota for a filesystem

# Get quota of a user on a filesystem
quota = pq.get_user_quota("/dev/sda1", 1000) # 1000 is the uid, returns a tuple of 8 integers
block_hard_limit = quota[0] # unit: disk quota block (1024 Bytes)
block_soft_limit = quota[1] # unit: disk quota block (1024 Bytes)
block_current = quota[2] # unit: block (1 Byte)
inode_hard_limit = quota[3]
inode_soft_limit = quota[4]
inode_current = quota[5]
block_time = quota[6] # time limit for excessive disk use
inode_time = quota[7] # time limit for excessive files

# Get quota of the next user, whose ID is greater than or equal to the specified ID, on a filesystem
quota = pq.get_next_user_quota("/dev/sda1", 1000) # returns a tuple of 9 integers.
# The first 8 integers are the same as the result of pg.get_user_quota while the last integer is the user id.
uid = quota[8]

# Set quota of a user on a filesystem
pq.set_user_quota("/dev/sda1", 1000, 102400, 92160, 0, 0) # hard block limit 100MB, soft block limit 90MB, no inode limits

# Get information about the user quotafile for a filesystem
info = pq.get_user_quota_info("/dev/sda1") # returns a tuple of 3 integers
block_grace = info[0] # time before block soft limit becomes hard limit. (unit: second)
inode_grace = info[1] # time before inode soft limit becomes hard limit. (unit: second)
flags = info[2] # flags for quotafile
is_root_squash_enabled = bool(flags & pq.DQF_ROOT_SQUASH)
is_stored_in_system_file = bool(flags & pq.DQF_SYS_FILE)

# Set information about the user quotafile for a filesystem
pq.set_user_quota_info("/dev/sda1", 604800, 604800, 0) # set both block grace and inode grace to 1 week (7*24*60*60), set flags as empty

# Get quota format used for user quotas on a filesystem
fmt = pq.get_user_quota_format("/dev/sda1") # returns an integer
# fmt should be either pq.QFMT_VFS_OLD, pq.QFMT_VFS_V0 or pq.QFMT_VFS_V1

# Update the on-disk copy of user quota usages for a filesystem

# Update the on-disk copy of user quota usages for all filesystems with active quotas

Since this package is only a wrapper for the C APIs, it almost keeps the original flavor and input/output formats. Thus, if you want more details about the what each of these commands do, meaning of the arguments and meaning of the returned values, please read the man page.
Error Messages
Any internal error that comes from the C apis is translated to a pyquota.APIError instance with a text description according to the ERRORS section in the man page.


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