Pyreqwest Impersonate 0.5.3 | Coderz Product

pyreqwest-impersonate 0.5.3

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pyreqwestimpersonate 0.5.3

The fastest python HTTP client that can impersonate web browsers.
Provides precompiled wheels: 🐧linux|musllinux (amd64, aarch64), 🪟windows (amd64); 🍏macos (amd64, aarch64).
Table of Contents


I. Client

Client methods
Response object

II. AsyncClient

pip install -U pyreqwest_impersonate


Impersonate: impersonate option mimics web browsers by replicating their headers and TLS/JA3/JA4/HTTP2 fingerprints.
Automatic Character Encoding Detection: the encoding is taken from the Content-Type header or <meta ... charset= within the html, or if not found, UTF-8. If the encoding does not match the content, the library automatically detects and uses the correct encoding to decode the text.
Html2text: the text_plain|text_markdown response attributes extract plain|markdown text from html.
All decoders: gzip, brotli, zstd are already included and do not require third party packages.
Small Size: the compiled library is about 6.9MB in size.
High Performance: the library is designed for a large number of threads, uses all processors, and releases the GIL.
Thread-safe: library can be safely used in multithreaded environments.


I. Client
HTTP client that can impersonate web browsers.
class Client:
"""Initializes an HTTP client that can impersonate web browsers.

auth (tuple, optional): A tuple containing the username and password for basic authentication. Default is None.
auth_bearer (str, optional): Bearer token for authentication. Default is None.
params (dict, optional): Default query parameters to include in all requests. Default is None.
headers (dict, optional): Default headers to send with requests. If `impersonate` is set, this will be ignored.
cookies (dict, optional): - An optional map of cookies to send with requests as the `Cookie` header.
timeout (float, optional): HTTP request timeout in seconds. Default is 30.
cookie_store (bool, optional): Enable a persistent cookie store. Received cookies will be preserved and included
in additional requests. Default is True.
referer (bool, optional): Enable or disable automatic setting of the `Referer` header. Default is True.
proxy (str, optional): Proxy URL for HTTP requests. Example: "socks5://". Default is None.
impersonate (str, optional): Entity to impersonate. Example: "chrome_124". Default is None.
Chrome: "chrome_99","chrome_100","chrome_101","chrome_104","chrome_105","chrome_106","chrome_107",
Safari: "safari_ios_16.5","safari_ios_17.2","safari_ios_17.4.1","safari_15.3","safari_15.5","safari_15.6.1",
OkHttp: "okhttp_3.9","okhttp_3.11","okhttp_3.13","okhttp_3.14","okhttp_4.9","okhttp_4.10","okhttp_5"
Edge: "edge_99","edge_101","edge_122"
follow_redirects (bool, optional): Whether to follow redirects. Default is True.
max_redirects (int, optional): Maximum redirects to follow. Default 20. Applies if `follow_redirects` is True.
verify (bool, optional): Verify SSL certificates. Default is True.
http1 (bool, optional): Use only HTTP/1.1. Default is None.
http2 (bool, optional): Use only HTTP/2. Default is None.


Client methods
The Client class provides a set of methods for making HTTP requests: get, head, options, delete, post, put, patch, each of which internally utilizes the request() method for execution. The parameters for these methods closely resemble those in httpx.
def get(
url: str,
params: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
cookies: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
auth: Optional[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]] = None,
auth_bearer: Optional[str] = None,
timeout: Optional[float] = 30,
"""Performs a GET request to the specified URL.

url (str): The URL to which the request will be made.
params (Optional[Dict[str, str]]): A map of query parameters to append to the URL. Default is None.
headers (Optional[Dict[str, str]]): A map of HTTP headers to send with the request. Default is None.
cookies (Optional[Dict[str, str]]): - An optional map of cookies to send with requests as the `Cookie` header.
auth (Optional[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]]): A tuple containing the username and an optional password
for basic authentication. Default is None.
auth_bearer (Optional[str]): A string representing the bearer token for bearer token authentication. Default is None.
timeout (Optional[float]): The timeout for the request in seconds. Default is 30.


def post(
url: str,
params: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
cookies: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
content: Optional[bytes] = None,
data: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
json: Any = None,
files: Optional[Dict[str, bytes]] = None,
auth: Optional[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]] = None,
auth_bearer: Optional[str] = None,
timeout: Optional[float] = 30,
"""Performs a POST request to the specified URL.

url (str): The URL to which the request will be made.
params (Optional[Dict[str, str]]): A map of query parameters to append to the URL. Default is None.
headers (Optional[Dict[str, str]]): A map of HTTP headers to send with the request. Default is None.
cookies (Optional[Dict[str, str]]): - An optional map of cookies to send with requests as the `Cookie` header.
content (Optional[bytes]): The content to send in the request body as bytes. Default is None.
data (Optional[Dict[str, str]]): The form data to send in the request body. Default is None.
json (Any): A JSON serializable object to send in the request body. Default is None.
files (Optional[Dict[str, bytes]]): A map of file fields to file contents to be sent as multipart/form-data. Default is None.
auth (Optional[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]]): A tuple containing the username and an optional password
for basic authentication. Default is None.
auth_bearer (Optional[str]): A string representing the bearer token for bearer token authentication. Default is None.
timeout (Optional[float]): The timeout for the request in seconds. Default is 30.


Response object
resp.text_markdown # html is converted to markdown text
resp.text_plain # html is converted to plain text

import pyreqwest_impersonate as pri

client = pri.Client(impersonate="chrome_126")

# GET request
resp = client.get("")

# GET request with passing params and setting timeout
params = {"param1": "value1", "param2": "value2"}
resp ="", params=params, timeout=10)

# POST Binary Request Data
content = b"some_data"
resp ="", content=content)

# POST Form Encoded Data
data = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
resp ="", data=data)

# POST JSON Encoded Data
json = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
resp ="", json=json)

# POST Multipart-Encoded Files
files = {'file1': open('file1.txt', 'rb').read(), 'file2': open('file2.txt', 'rb').read()}
r ="", files=files)

# Authentication using user/password
auth = ("user", "password")
resp ="", auth=auth)

# Authentication using auth bearer
auth_bearer = "bearerXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
resp ="", auth_bearer=auth_bearer)

# Using proxy
resp = pri.Client(proxy="").get("")

# You can also use convenience functions that use a default Client instance under the hood:
# pri.get() | pri.head() | pri.options() | pri.delete() | | pri.patch() | pri.put()
# These functions can accept the `impersonate` parameter:
resp = pri.get("", impersonate="chrome_126")

II. AsyncClient


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