Pyresidfp 0.11.0 | Coderz Product

pyresidfp 0.11.0

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pyresidfp 0.11.0

Emulates the SID sound-chip in software. The C++ emulation code was copied over from
How to install

compiler for ISO C++11
Python 3 and header files

From PyPI
Install the latest version using
python -m pip install pyresidfp

From cloned git repository
Build from source and install using
python -m pip install .

For the example, NumPy and soundcard python packages
are required. The example is ported from the section Sample Sound Program,
Commodore 64 User's Guide, page 80:
from datetime import timedelta
import numpy as np
import soundcard as sc
from pyresidfp import SoundInterfaceDevice, Voice, ControlBits, Tone

# program SID
sid = SoundInterfaceDevice()
sid.Filter_Mode_Vol = 15 # Maximum volume
sid.attack_decay(Voice.ONE, 190) # 800 ms attack, 15 s decay
sid.sustain_release(Voice.ONE, 248) # sustain peak, 300 ms release
sid.tone(Voice.ONE, Tone.C4)
sid.control(Voice.ONE, ControlBits.TRIANGLE | ControlBits.GATE)

# sample attack phase
attack_phase = timedelta(seconds=0.32)
raw_samples = sid.clock(attack_phase)

# reprogram SID for release phase and sample
release_phase = timedelta(seconds=0.3)
sid.control(Voice.ONE, ControlBits.TRIANGLE)

# convert audio format and play
samples = np.array(raw_samples, dtype=np.float32) / 2.0**15
spkr = sc.default_speaker(), samplerate=int(sid.sampling_frequency), channels=1)

We like to thank all contributors of libsidplayfp, especially:

Dag Lem: Designed and programmed complete emulation engine.
Antti S. Lankila: Distortion simulation and calculation of combined waveforms
Ken Händel: source code conversion to Java
Leandro Nini: port to c++, merge with reSID 1.0


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