Pysch 0.1.0 | Coderz Repository

pysch 0.1.0

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pysch 0.1.0

pysch - Python-made SSH Connection Manager
pysch (spelled in Russian as пыщ, just for fun), Python-made SSH Connection Helper, is an SSH Client based on paramiko for Mac and Linux. It uses keepass to securely store remote hosts credentials and YAML to maintain inventory tree. It also supports session logging to a file.
Just use pip to install pysch:
python -m venv venv
cd venv
source bin/activate
pip3 install pysch

Here is the avaiable commands:
(venv) % pysch
Usage: pysch [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

-c, --config PATH Path to configuration file
--help Show this message and exit.

add-credentials Add new credendials
connect Connect to the host
init Create initial config and inventoty
list-credentials Get list of credendials
list-hosts Get list of hosts

First, init the configuration. That creates sample configuration and inventory files with empty keepass file protected with key in ~/.config/pysch/ directory:
(venv) % pysch init
Default configuration has been saved at ~/.config/pysch/

Then add your hosts to the ~/.config/pysch/inventory.yaml using the text editor of your choise and credentials for it using any keepass software or the add-credentials command:
(venv) % pysch add-credentials
Title: my_credentials
Username: root
Repeat for confirmation:
"my_credentials" entry has been added to the keepass db

Use --help to show arguments and available options for a command:
(venv) % pysch connect --help
Usage: pysch connect [OPTIONS] HOST

Connect to the host

--session-log PATH Session log file location
--help Show this message and exit.

Connection process is pretty simple:
(venv) % pysch connect srv
Connecting to srv


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