Pytest Goldie 0.1.5 | Coderz Repository

pytest-goldie 0.1.5

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pytestgoldie 0.1.5

pytest-goldie is a pytest plugin that enables golden testing using pytest framework.
Golden testing is a methodology that compares the output of your code with a pre-recorded output. This package provides a fixture called golden that can be used to update test results and make test comparisons.

First, install the plugin:
$ pip install pytest-goldie
Then, in your test file, use the golden fixture:
def my_function():
return "Hello, world!"

def test_my_function(golden):
output = my_function()
The golden.test method takes the output of your function and compares it to the saved output of a previous run. If the update_goldens flag is set, pytest-goldie will update the saved output with the new output.
To run the tests and update goldens, use the following command:
$ pytest --update_goldens
By default, the golden files are stored in a folder named ‘goldens’. You can change the folder name with –goldens_folder flag:
$ pytest --goldens_folder my_goldens
This will set the goldens folder to “my_goldens” instead of the default “goldens”.

This software is licensed under the MIT License.
Created by Nick Kartashov and contributors.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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