Pytest Job Selection 0.1.2 | Coderz Repository

pytest-job-selection 0.1.2

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pytestjobselection 0.1.2


By Arvid Jakobsson.
pytest-job-selection is a
pytest plugin for load
balancing test suites.
In short, the plugin provides a new pytest argument --job such that
running pytest --job X/Y [tests...] (where 1 <= X <= Y) groups the
selected tests in Y jobs and then executes the tests of job
X. By default, the plugin attempts to create jobs where the number
of test cases are approximately close to each other.
To instead obtain jobs whose run time are close to each other, a JUnit
XML file can be provided through the --prev-junit-xml junit.xml
argument. In this mode, the plugin will balance jobs based on the
previously reported run time of test cases in junit.xml. Test cases
lacking an entry in junit.xml are given a default run time, and
cases in junit.xml that are not selected are ignored. See JUnit XML
files for more information on this feature.
This plugin enables convenient parallel execution of large pytest
suites in CIs such as GitLab CI
using parallel
See the section GitLab CI integration for
more details.
This plugin is inspired by a similar functionality in
Tezt, an OCaml test framework.

Adds a --job pytest argument that executes a subset of selected
Adds a --prev-junit-xml <junit.xml> pytest argument. When
supplied, the plugin heuristically attempts to balance test jobs
using a greedy knapsack algorithm into jobs of even runtime, using
the timing information in junit.xml. This argument can only be
given once, but JUnit XML files can trivially be merged.
Adds a --jobs-dry-run pytest argument that outputs debug
information on test balancing.



In addition, cram is used to test the
You can install pytest-job-selection via
pip from
$ pip install pytest-job-selection

The following command should suffice for most use cases:
pytest --prev-junit-xml junit.xml --job X/Y [tests...]

This will group selected tests into Y jobs. It uses a
balancing heuristic to group selected
tests, based on the previously recorded timing information in the
JUnit XML file junit.xml. It then executes all tests in job X. Jobs
are 1-indexed, so that job 1 is the first job and job Y is the last
one. In other words, executing:
pytest --prev-junit-xml junit.xml --job 1/Y [tests...]
pytest --prev-junit-xml junit.xml --job 2/Y [tests...]
pytest --prev-junit-xml junit.xml --job Y/Y [tests...]

Will execute the same tests as:
pytest [tests...]

The plugin can be used without passing --prev-junit-xml. In this
case, jobs are instead balanced by number of tests.
JUnit XML files
See the pytest
for more information on JUnit XML files.
In short, an JUnit XML file can be obtained file by executing a test suite with the
--junitxml=junit.xml argument:
pytest --junitxml=junit.xml [tests...]

If a junit.xml is not provided to the pytest-job-selection plugin
using --prev-junit-xml, then its batching heuristic will assume that
all test cases have the same running time, and consequently attempts
to create batches with a balanced number of test cases.
If a test case is not present in the provided junit.xml, for
instance if a new test case has been added since junit.xml was
generated, then a default run time of 1 minute will be
assumed. Conversely, test cases present junit.xml which are not
selected for execution, for instance test cases that has been removed
since junit.xml was generated, have no impact on balancing.
Consequently, the junit.xml does not have to be up-to-date at each
run, but as a test suite grows, it will become gradually less
well-balanced. It is therefore good practice to update the file at
regular intervals.
Dry run
You can simulate balancing run with the --jobs-dry-run --job X/Y
flag. This will collect and group tests, and then output:

The list of jobs with:

weight: its expected run time as per the previously
recorded timing information
#classes: the number of test classes/modules in this job

The full list of test classes/modules sorted by job appartenance
and the weight of that test class/module (its weight is sum of the
running time of all test classes in that class as per the
previously recorded timing information)

Job statistics, including:

the total number of jobs;
the minimum, maximum and average job weight;
the minimum, maximum and average number of classes/modules per job.

The test classes/modules of the currently selected jobs and their weight.

A list of orphaned test classes. These are test classes that
appear in the JUnit XML file supplied with --prev-junit-xml but
which does not correspond to any selected test. The presence of
orphans indicates that the JUnit XML file may be out-of-date, but
it will not impact balancing.

A Worked Example
We will use a simple dummy test (available
from time import sleep

class TestExampleA:
def test_a(self):

class TestExampleB:
def test_b(self):

class TestExampleC:
def test_c(self):

class TestExampleD:
def test_d(self):

This module contains four test classes that do nothing but sleep for a
given period of time. We can first try run these tests in two jobs
without giving the job selection plugin any previous timings on which
to base balancing:
$ pytest --job 1/2 example/ -v
example/ PASSED [ 50%]
example/ PASSED [100%]
$ pytest --job 2/2 example/ -v
example/ PASSED [ 50%]
example/ PASSED [100%]

This groups TestExampleA with TestExampleC and TestExampleB with
TestExampleD. Each job contains an even number of test classes, but
the jobs are unbalanced in terms of run time, as the first job will
run in ~2 seconds while the second will run in ~4 seconds.
Note that you can also preview the balancing using the pytest flag
(here in addition to the --quiet flag for terse output):
$ pytest --job 1/2 example/ --collect-only --quiet
(job selection: 1/2 with 4 timings from junit.xml)

4 tests collected in 0.01s
$ pytest --job 2/2 example/ --collect-only --quiet
(job selection: 2/2 with 4 timings from junit.xml)

4 tests collected in 0.01s

To balance the jobs based on the expected runtime of individual test
cases, we record a junit.xml file:
$ pytest --junitxml=junit.xml example/

We can inspect junit.xml and verify that it contains the expected
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<testsuite name="pytest" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" tests="4" time="6.040">
<testcase classname="example.example_test.TestExampleA" name="test_a" time="1.002"/>
<testcase classname="example.example_test.TestExampleB" name="test_b" time="2.002"/>
<testcase classname="example.example_test.TestExampleC" name="test_c" time="1.003"/>
<testcase classname="example.example_test.TestExampleD" name="test_d" time="2.004"/>

And then feed the recording into the plugin:
$ pytest --prev-junit-xml junit.xml --job 1/2 example/ -v
example/ PASSED [ 50%]
example/ PASSED [100%]
$ pytest --prev-junit-xml junit.xml --job 2/2 example/ -v
example/ PASSED [ 50%]
example/ PASSED [100%]

This time, TestExampleA is grouped with TestExampleD and
TestExampleB is grouped with TestExampleC, giving both jobs an
expected runtime of ~3 seconds each.
Finally, we can do a dry run with `--jobs-dry-run`` to obtain an
overview of the obtained balancing:
$ pytest --prev-junit-xml junit.xml --job 2/2 --jobs-dry-run example/
collecting ... (job selection: 2/2 with 4 timings from junit.xml)
dry run
Jobs: weight and contents
job weight #classes
1 0:00:03 2
2 0:00:03 2

Jobs: weight and full contents
job class weight
1 example.example_test.TestExampleD 0:00:02
1 example.example_test.TestExampleA 0:00:01
2 example.example_test.TestExampleB 0:00:02
2 example.example_test.TestExampleC 0:00:01

Jobs: statistics
jobs_total weight: avg min max #classes: avg min max
jobs_total=2 0:00:03 0:00:03 0:00:03 2.0 2 2
Can add 0:00:00.001000 without increasing wall-time.

Slowest classes (top 10):
weight class
0:00:02 example.example_test.TestExampleD
0:00:02 example.example_test.TestExampleB
0:00:01 example.example_test.TestExampleC
0:00:01 example.example_test.TestExampleA

Would run test classes in job 2/2:
class weight
example.example_test.TestExampleB 0:00:02
example.example_test.TestExampleC 0:00:01

Balancing Heuristic
The balancing heuristic is based on a greedy solution to the knapsack
problem. Each test that is missing a previously recorded run time
provided through --prev-junit-xml will be assigned a default runtime
of 1 minute. If no previously recorded run times are provided, then
this applies to all test cases, and consequently the heuristic will
balance jobs based only on the number of assigned test cases (i.e.,
attempting to create jobs whose number of test cases are close to
each other).
GitLab CI integration
This plugin can conveniently be used in GitLab
CI to exploit parallel
For instance, to parallelize a job like:
- pytest tests/

Install the plugin in the CI, make sure that a junit.xml is available
in the repository at e.g. tests/junit.xml and change the job to:
parallel: 10
- pytest --prev-junit-xml tests/junit.xml --job ${CI_NODE_INDEX}/${CI_NODE_TOTAL}
- reports
when: always

This will split the pytest job into 10 parallel jobs. The --junitxml
argument has also been added to the pytest command so that new JUnit
XML recordings are produced in the CI and then stored as artifacts
using the artifacts stanza.
This last point helps when rebalancing the suite, which you can now do
by downloading the recordings from the CI, merging them and commiting
them to tests/junit.xml. In the next section, we describe the
included script glci_jobs_fetch_reports that can be used to
partially automate this process.
Retrieving JUnit XML files from GitLab CI
Updating the junit.xml file used for balancing becomes a hassle when
the number of jobs grow. This plugin installs a script
glci_jobs_fetch_reports (located
here in this
repository) that can be used to this effect. For usage information,
call glci_jobs_fetch_reports --help.
Test classes
This plugin balances tests at the granularity of modules or test
classes. All test cases of the same class will always execute in the
same job. Similarly, all test cases in a module that do not correspond
to class methods will execute in the same job.
Missing timings
If timings are missing for test case, then the balancer will silently
assume its running time is 1 minute.
Empty jobs
If there are more jobs than test classes or modules to balance, then at
least one job will be empty. In this case, pytest will
exit with a non-zero error code.
Contributions are very welcome. Tests can be run with
tox, please ensure the coverage
at least stays the same before you submit a pull request.
Distributed under the terms of the
MIT license,
"pytest-job-selection" is free and open source software
If you encounter any problems, please file an
issue along with
a detailed description.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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