Pytest Qgis 2.1.0 | Coderz Repository

pytest-qgis 2.1.0

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pytestqgis 2.1.0


A pytest plugin for testing QGIS python plugins.
This plugin makes it easier to write QGIS plugin tests with the help of some fixtures and hooks:

qgis_app returns and eventually exits fully
configured QgsApplication. This fixture is called
automatically on the start of pytest session.
qgis_bot returns a QgisBot, which holds common utility methods for interacting with QGIS.
qgis_canvas returns QgsMapCanvas.
qgis_parent returns the QWidget used as parent of the qgis_canvas
qgis_iface returns stubbed QgsInterface
qgis_new_project makes sure that all the map layers and configurations are removed. This should be used with tests
that add stuff to QgsProject.
qgis_processing initializes the processing framework. This can be used when testing code that
qgis_version returns QGIS version number as integer.
qgis_world_map_geopackage returns Path to the world_map.gpkg that ships with QGIS
qgis_countries_layer returns Natural Earth countries layer from as QgsVectorLayer


qgis_show_map lets developer inspect the QGIS map visually during the test and also at the teardown of the test. Full signature of the marker
@pytest.mark.qgis_show_map(timeout: int = 30, add_basemap: bool = False, zoom_to_common_extent: bool = True, extent: QgsRectangle = None)

timeout is the time in seconds until the map is closed. If timeout is zero, the map will be closed in teardown.
add_basemap when set to True, adds Natural Earth countries layer as the basemap for the map.
zoom_to_common_extent when set to True, centers the map around all layers in the project.
extent is alternative to zoom_to_common_extent and lets user specify the extent
as QgsRectangle

Check the marker api documentation
and examples for the ways
markers can be used.

pytest_configure hook is used to initialize and
configure QgsApplication. With QGIS >= 3.18 it is also
used to patch qgis.utils.iface with qgis_iface automatically.

Be careful not to import modules importing qgis.utils.iface in the root of conftest, because the pytest_configure hook has not yet patched iface in that point. See this issue for details.

pytest_runtest_teardown hook is used to ensure that all layer fixtures of any scope are cleaned properly without causing segmentation faults. The layer fixtures that are cleaned automatically must have some of the following keywords in their name: "layer", "lyr", "raster", "rast", "tif".

Utility tools

clean_qgis_layer decorator found in pytest_qgis.utils can be used with QgsMapLayer fixtures to ensure that they
are cleaned properly if they are used but not added to the QgsProject. This is only needed with layers with other than memory provider.
This decorator works only with fixtures that return QgsMapLayer instances.
There is no support for fixtures that use yield.
This decorator is an alternative way of cleaning the layers, since pytest_runtest_teardown hook cleans layer fixtures automatically by the keyword.
# or start of a test file
import pytest
from pytest_qgis.utils import clean_qgis_layer
from qgis.core import QgsVectorLayer

def geojson() -> QgsVectorLayer:
return QgsVectorLayer("layer_file.geojson", "some layer")

# This will be cleaned automatically since it contains the keyword "layer" in its name
def geojson_layer() -> QgsVectorLayer:
return QgsVectorLayer("layer_file2.geojson", "some layer")

Command line options

--qgis_disable_gui can be used to disable graphical user interface in tests. This speeds up the tests that use Qt
widgets of the plugin.
--qgis_disable_init can be used to prevent QGIS (QgsApplication) from initializing. Mainly used in internal testing.


qgis_qui_enabled whether the QUI will be visible or not. Defaults to True. Command line
option --qgis_disable_gui will override this.
qgis_canvas_width width of the QGIS canvas in pixels. Defaults to 600.
qgis_canvas_height height of the QGIS canvas in pixels. Defaults to 600.

Class to hold common utility methods for interacting with QGIS. Check for usage examples. Here are some of the methods:

create_feature_with_attribute_dialog method can be used to create a feature with default values using QgsAttributeDialog. This
ensures that all the default values are honored and for example boolean fields are either true or false, not null.
get_qgs_attribute_dialog_widgets_by_name function can be used to get dictionary of the QgsAttributeDialog widgets.
Check the test for a usage example.

This pytest plugin requires QGIS >= 3.16 to work though it might work with older versions.
Install with pip:
pip install pytest-qgis

Development environment
# Create a virtual environment with qgis and dependencies available
$ python -m venv .venv --system-site-packages
# Activate the virtual environment
$ source .venv/bin/activate
# Update pip and setuptools
$ python -m pip install -U pip setuptools
$ pip install pip-tools
# Install dependencies
$ pip-sync requirements.txt requirements-dev.txt
# Install pre-commit hooks
$ pre-commit install

Updating dependencies

pip-compile --upgrade
pip-compile --upgrade

Contributions are very welcome.
Distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0 license, "pytest-qgis" is free and open source software.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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