Pytest Ranking 0.3.1 | Coderz Repository

pytest-ranking 0.3.1

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pytestranking 0.3.1


A Pytest plugin for reducing the failure detection time with automated test prioritization/ranking.
This pytest plugin allows you to find failures faster and receive sooner debugging feedback from CI. It speeds up the failure detection of your test suite by prioritizing the execution of tests that are faster, recently failed, and/or related to code change.
To install pytest-ranking via pip from PyPI:
pip install pytest-ranking

Pytest will automatically find the plugin and use it when you run pytest. You can use the default prioritization heuristic, which runs tests that have shorter execution times first by passing the --rank option:
pytest --rank

After the test run finishes, the terminal summary will show the config and overhead of running the plugin of the finished run, for example:
============================================= pytest-ranking summary info =============================================
weights: 1-0-0
level: param
look-back history length: 50
number of *.py src files with new hashes: 0
test-change similarity compute time (s): 0.00225
test order compute time (s): 0.00033
feature collection time (s): 0.00246

Weighting ranking heuristics
You can configure the weights of different prioritization heuristics by passing the optional --rank-weight flag with formatted values:
pytest --rank --rank-weight=0-1-0

Weights are separated by -. The 1st weight is for running faster tests, the 2nd weight is for running recently failed tests, and the 3rd weight is for running tests more similar to the changed *.py files since the last run.
All weights must be integers or floats, and their sum will be normalized to 1.
A higher weight means that a corresponding heuristic is favored. The default value is 1-0-0, which only prioritizes faster tests.
Running in different granularities
You can configure at which granularity your test suite will be re-ordered by passing the optional --rank-level flag in one of these values: param, method, file, folder. For example:
pytest --rank --rank-level=method

The smallest test item that can be re-ordered in the test suite in pytest is parametrized unit test (PUT). param ranks each PUT and re-arranges their execution order based on their assigned ranks; method ranks each test method, parametrized values of that test method will follow pytest's default execution order (alphabetical); file ranks each test file, all tests in the test file will follow pytest's default execution order; folder ranks each test directory that hosts the test files, all tests hosted in the folder will follow the default order.
Tracking heuristics from historical runs
You can also configure the maximum window size for looking into previous test runs, which is used to compute the number of runs since a test had failed, by passing the optional --rank-hist-len flag (the default value is 50):
pytest --rank --rank-hist-len=30

Note that the plugin does not store any historical run logs, it merely resets cached ranking heuristics after every rank-hist-len number of runs.
Running tests in random order
You can prompt pytest-ranking to run tests in random order, by setting the sum of --rank-weight option to 0, e.g., --rank-weight=0-0-0.
You can also configure the seed used when running tests in random order, via setting an integer to the option --rank-seed.
For example, the command below runs tests randomly with seed 1234:
pytest --rank --rank-weight=0-0-0 --rank-seed=1234

Passing plugin options via config file
You can always apply available options by adding them to the addopts setting in your pytest.ini.
For example, create pytest.ini in your codebase root folder as such:
addopts = --rank --rank-weight=0-1-0 --rank-hist-len=30

and run pytest on the command line.
Alternatively, you can also create pytest.ini in your codebase root folder as such:

and run pytest --rank on the command line.
Because pytest-ranking re-orders tests, it is not compatible with other pytest plugins that enforce other test orders, e.g., pytest-randomly, pytest-random-order, pytest-reverse.
Contributions are very welcome. Tests can be run with tox.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, pytest-ranking is free and open-source software.
If you encounter any problems, please file an issue or pull request along with a detailed description.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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