Pytest Remote Response 2.1.2 | Coderz Repository

pytest-remote-response 2.1.2

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pytestremoteresponse 2.1.2

This package provides a plugin for pytest framework for capturing and mocking connection requests during the test run.
Inspired by pook and pytest-responses.
Get started using the documentation and getting-started.

$ pip install pytest-remote-response
$ git clone
$ cd pytest-remote-response
$ pip install .
The plugin will register automatically with pytest framework and will be ready to use.

💁🏻‍♀️Supported Clients
Currently, pytest-remote-response supports,

✔ urllib
✔ urllib3
✔ requests
✔ aiohttp


🐍🧪Pytest plugin
The plugin works by applying monkeypatches of interceptors for different libraries using a wrapper response.activate.
The interceptors when applied can capture, prevent or mock the connection request.
The available interceptors are listed in response.available method.
Example of using the decorator:
import urllib3
from pytest_response import response

response.configure(remote=True, capture=True, response=False)

def get_url():
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
url = ""

# Since the interceptors are in response mode, the response data and headers
# will be spoofed with saved data in the database;
# if the query comes back empty, this request will
# error out with :class:`pytest_response.exceptions.ResponseNotFound`
res = http.request("GET", url)
assert res.status == 200
Handling requests:

Block remote requests:
all requests are allowed by default; one can disable them using --remote-block flag

$ pytest --remote-block

Capture remote requests:
the requests can be captured in a sqlite3 database using --remote-capture arg

$ pytest --remote-capture

Mock remote requests:
the requests can be mocked using --remote-response

$ pytest --remote-response

🐱‍👤Standalone package
The tools implemented in this package can be easily ported to any other application, with mimial config required.

from pytest_response import response

response.setup_database({DUMP FILE}){INTERCEPTOR})

🧪 Testing
Use tox to make sure the plugin is working:
$ git clone
$ cd pytest-remote-response
$ tox -e py38
See tox for more info.

This plugin is licenced under a MIT licence - see the LICENCE file.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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