Python Esiclient 0.2.7 | Coderz Product

python-esiclient 0.2.7

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pythonesiclient 0.2.7

python-esiclient extends the OpenStack CLI to provide simplified user workflows, encapsulating multiple OpenStack CLI commands into a single CLI command.
To install as a package:

pip install python-esiclient

To install from source:

clone this repository
install all requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
install: python install

openstack esi node network <command>
These commands manage network connections to nodes.
openstack esi node network list
List node/network attachments.
openstack esi node network list
[--node <node>]
[--network <network>]

--node <node>: Filter by node (name or UUID)
--network <network>: Filter by network (name or UUID)

openstack esi node network attach
Attach network to a node.
openstack esi node network attach
(--network <network> | --port <port> | --trunk <trunk>)
[--mac-address <mac-address>]

--network <network>: Network (name or UUID)
--port <port>: Neutron port (name or UUID)
--trunk <trunk>: Neutron trunk (name or UUID)
--mac-address <mac-address>: Node MAC address to attach the network to.
node: Node (name or UUID)

openstack esi node network detach
Detach network from a node.
openstack esi node network detach
[--port <port>]

--port <port>: Port (name or UUID)
node: Node (name or UUID)

openstack esi trunk <command>
These commands manage trunk ports.
openstack esi trunk list
List trunk ports.
openstack esi trunk list

openstack esi trunk create
Create a trunk port.
openstack esi trunk create
[--native-network <native-network>]
[--tagged-networks <tagged-network>]

--native-network <native-network>: Native network (name or UUID)
--tagged-networks <tagged-network>: Tagged network (name or UUID); can specify multiple
name: Name of the trunk port

openstack esi trunk add network
Add a network to a trunk port.
openstack esi trunk add network
[--tagged-networks <tagged-network>]

--tagged-networks <tagged-network>: Tagged network (name or UUID); can specify multiple
name: Name of the trunk port

openstack esi trunk remove network
Remove a network from a trunk port.
openstack esi trunk remove network
[--tagged-networks <tagged-network>]

--tagged-networks <tagged-network>: Tagged network (name or UUID); can specify multiple
name: Name of the trunk port

openstack esi trunk delete
Delete a trunk port.
openstack esi trunk delete

name: Name of the trunk port

openstack esi node volume attach
Boot a node with a volume
openstack esi node volume attach
(--network <network> | --port <port>)
[--mac-address <mac-address>]
<node> <volume>

--network <network>: Network (name or UUID)
--port <port>: Neutron port (name or UUID)
node: Node (name or UUID)
volume: Volume (name or UUID)

openstack esi switch <command>
These commands allow you to treat ESI as a switch.
openstack esi switch vlan list
List VLANs and associated switch ports on a switch.
openstack esi switch vlan list <switch>

switch: Switch

openstack esi switch port list
List switch ports and associated VLANs on a switch.
openstack esi switch port list <switch>

switch: Switch

openstack esi switch port enable access
Attach VLAN to a switchport on a switch.
openstack esi switch port enable access

switch: Switch
switchport: Switchport
vlan: VLAN

openstack esi switch port disable access
Disable VLAN access to a switchport on a switch.
openstack esi switch port disable access

switch: Switch
switchport: Switchport

openstack esi switch port enable trunk
Attach VLAN to a switchport as the native VLAN of a trunk on a switch.
openstack esi switch port enable trunk

switch: Switch
switchport: Switchport
vlan: VLAN

openstack esi switch port disable trunk
Disable trunk on a switchport on a switch.
openstack esi switch port disable trunk

switch: Switch
switchport: Switchport

openstack esi switch trunk add vlan
Add VLAN to a trunk on a switchport.
openstack esi switch trunk add vlan

switch: Switch
switchport: Switchport
vlan: VLAN

openstack esi switch trunk remove vlan
Remove VLAN from a trunk on a switchport.
openstack esi switch trunk remove vlan

switch: Switch
switchport: Switchport
vlan: VLAN

openstack esi cluster <command>
These commands orchestrate and undeploy simple bare metal clusters.
openstack esi cluster orchestrate
Orchestrate a simple cluster.
openstack esi cluster orchestrate <config-file>

<config file>: Configuration file; for example

"node_configs": [
"nodes": {
"node_uuids": ["node1"]
"network": {
"network_uuid": "private-network-1",
"tagged_network_uuids": ["private-network-2"],
"fip_network_uuid": "external"
"provisioning": {
"provisioning_type": "image",
"image_uuid": "image-name",
"ssh_key": "/path/to/ssh/key"
"nodes": {
"num_nodes": "2",
"resource_class": "baremetal"
"network": {
"network_uuid": "private-network-1"
"provisioning": {
"provisioning_type": "image_url",
"url": "http://url.for/image",

openstack esi cluster list
List clusters deployed through ESI, along with their associated resources.
openstack esi cluster list

openstack esi cluster undeploy
Undeploy a cluster deployed through ESI.
openstack esi cluster undeploy <cluster-uuid>

<cluster uuid>: Cluster UUID; can be found by running openstack esi cluster list

openstack esi openshift <command>
These commands orchestrate and undeploy OpenShift clusters.
openstack esi openshift orchestrate
Orchestrate an OpenShift cluster.
openstack esi openshift orchestrate <config-file>

<config file>: Configuration file; for example

"cluster_name": "my-cluster",
"openshift_version": "4.13.12",
"high_availability_mode": "Full",
"base_dns_domain": "my.domain",
"api_vip": "",
"ingress_vip": "",
"ssh_public_key": "my-public-key",
"external_network_name": "external",
"private_network_name": "my-private-network",
"private_subnet_name": "my-private-subnet",
"nodes": ["node1", "node2", "node3"]

openstack esi openshift undeploy
Undeploy an OpenShift cluster orchestrated through ESI.
openstack esi openshift undeploy <config-file>

<config file>: Configuration file used to orchestrate OpenShift cluster


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