Python Koans | Coderz Product

Python Koans

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Python Koans is a collection of exercises aimed at teaching Python programming through a series of tests that are initially broken. As you work through the exercises, you'll fix the tests to make them pass, thereby learning Python concepts and best practices along the way. The koans are designed to be solved in a specific order, gradually introducing and reinforcing various aspects of Python.


  • Learn by Doing: The koans are designed to be solved by writing code and fixing broken tests, which helps you learn Python by actively engaging with the material.
  • Progressive Learning: The exercises are arranged in a way that introduces Python concepts progressively, starting with basic topics and moving towards more advanced ones.
  • Test-Driven Approach: Each koan is a test that initially fails. Your task is to modify the code to make the test pass, thus learning the required Python concepts in the process.
  • Focus on Best Practices: The exercises emphasize writing clean and idiomatic Python code.


  • Programming Language: Python. The repository supports Python 3.x.
  • Dependencies: The koans do not have any external dependencies beyond the standard Python library.

Programming Language

  • Python: The exercises and solutions are written in Python.


Follow all the information and instructions on getting started.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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