Python Mediator 0.7.0 | Coderz Product

python-mediator 0.7.0

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pythonmediator 0.7.0


Elastic and extensible high-performance asyncio CQRS + ES python microframework.
Compatible with recent python versions of CPython and pypy3.
Corresponds to clean architecture patterns, ideal for
command/query segregation scenarios and event-driven design approaches.
Key features:

automatic handler inspection and action matching -
like in modern frameworks (FastAPI, Typer, Click etc.) machinery is fully automatic
and command, query or event object is matched with handler automatically
extra parameters injection with ease -
extra context information like credentials can be passed safely and easily to handler
with zero complexity
configurable middleware (modifier) stack -
handler call flow can be extended easily
with i.e. data mapping, special exception handling or extra logging
by defining modifier stack that wraps handler execution
ultra-lightweight and performance optimized -
has no external dependencies and all features are implemented
in care of low runtime overhead

Work in progress...
A command/query handling example
from dataclasses import dataclass

from mediator.request import LocalRequestBus

bus = LocalRequestBus()

class PrintMessageCommand:
message: str

async def command_handler(event: PrintMessageCommand):
print(f"print message: {event.message}")
return event.message

class DataQuery:
id: int

async def query_handler(query: DataQuery):
print(f"data query: {}")
return {"id":, "data": "test"}

async def main():
printed_message = await bus.execute(PrintMessageCommand(message="test"))
assert printed_message == "test"

data = await bus.execute(DataQuery(id=1))
assert data == {"id": 1, "data": "test"}

# -- output --
# print message: test
# data query: 1

More advanced example available in example/ for reference.
An event handling example
from dataclasses import dataclass

from mediator.event import LocalEventBus

bus = LocalEventBus()

class MessageEvent:
message: str

async def first_handler(event: MessageEvent):
print(f"first handler: {event.message}")

async def second_handler(event: MessageEvent):
print(f"second handler: {event.message}")

async def main():
await bus.publish(MessageEvent(message="test"))
# -- output --
# first handler: test
# second handler: test

More advanced example available in example/ for reference.


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