Python Openhab Logsaver 1.0.0 | Coderz Product

python-openhab-logsaver 1.0.0

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pythonopenhablogsaver 1.0.0

Python openHAB LogSaver
Save openhab logs into a MariaDB database. You can simply rewrite this code for other databases too. Please consider that it will only read and save the last line of a log file. If you restart openhab the log file should be empty. After each file change the last line will be reread with this program. With this each change should be transmitted into your databse table.
The table looks like:
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| datetime | datetime | YES | MUL | NULL | |
| log_level | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| log_event | varchar(30) | YES | | NULL | |
| log_message | longtext | YES | | NULL | |

Please make sure that MariaDB is installed:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mariadb-server
sudo mysql_secure_installation

After that you have to create an admin user:
sudo mariadb
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION;

You can now login into the database with:
sudo mysql -u root -p

If it works you can check the systemd service with:
sudo systemctl status mariadb.service

With following commands you can start and enable MariaDB:
sudo systemctl start mariadb.service
sudo systemctl enable mariadb.service

I recommend creating a restricted user for the next step. In my example I use a persistence with openHAB and have created the user openhab. The openHAB persistence uses the database OpenHAB in my program for storing the openHAB logs I use the database OpenHAB_LOGS with this user. But it is optional which users you configure for which database and which rights these users have.
The next step is to install MariaDB for Python 3:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libmariadb-dev libmariadbclient-dev

And last but not least you can install this programm by using pip:
python3 -m pip install python-openhab-logsaver

You have to create a python program to for using this logsaver. As example with
touch /home/<user>/
chmod +x /home/<user>/

Later you can run this program with:
python3 /home/<user>/

Please make sure that you have configured the database access in the program accordingly!
To run the program permanently after system startup, you have to create a systemd service:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/ohlogsaver.service

Add the following:
Description=openHAB LogSaver service mariadb.service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/<user>/


Please make sure that you have to replace <user> with the username of your current user!
Then you have to start and enable it:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start ohlogsaver.service
sudo systemctl enable ohlogsaver.service

Standard configuration:
from openhab import LogSaver

if __name__ == "__main__":
threads = []

db_user = "<username>"
db_password = "<password>"
host = "<database_ip>"
port = <port>
database = "OpenHAB_LOGS"
location = "/var/log/openhab/"

events = LogSaver(db_user, db_password, host, port, database, "events", location, "events.log")
openhab = LogSaver(db_user, db_password, host, port, database, "openhab", location, "openhab.log")


for th in threads:

for t in threads:


openHAB and HABApp configuration
from openhab import LogSaver

if __name__ == "__main__":
threads = []

db_user = "<username>"
db_password = "<password>"
host = "<database_ip>"
port = <port>
database = "OpenHAB_LOGS"
location = "/var/log/openhab/"
habapp_location = "/etc/openhab/habapp/logs/"

events = LogSaver(db_user, db_password, host, port, database, "events", location, "events.log")
openhab = LogSaver(db_user, db_password, host, port, database, "openhab", location, "openhab.log")
HABApp_events = LogSaver(db_user, db_password, host, port, database, "HABApp_events", habapp_location, "HABApp_events.log")
HABApp = LogSaver(db_user, db_password, host, port, database, "HABApp", habapp_location, "HABApp.log")


for th in threads:

for t in threads:


Only read log files
If you only want to read the log files you can import the LogReader instead of the LogSaver:
from openhab import LogReader

if __name__ == "__main__":
threads = []

location = "/var/log/openhab/"

events = LogReader(location, "events.log")
openhab = LogReader(location, "openhab.log")


for th in threads:

for t in threads:

Custom configuration
Database connection
As already mentioned you have to configure your own database access:
db_user = "<username>"
db_password = "<password>"
host = "<database_ip>"
port = 3306

As example the <username> could be openhab and the <password> could be anonymous. If you run the database on the same server than your database you can use for <database_ip>. As you can see MariaDB runs under the port 3306. If you use another port you should change that! In the example above we will create and use the database OpenHAB_LOGS. If you want to use another database you should rename it! Please be careful: The database will only created if it's not existing.
The variables will be used later.
Database table
In the constructor you have to use a name for your table. You can define a variable like this:
table = "logs"

The table logs will be created inside your configured database if it is not exsisting! If you want to use another table you should rename logs.
Normally openHAB will use the two log files events.log and openhab.log. So you could use two Threads which will read each of this files and could also create/use two tables. Or if you use HABApp you there are maybe other log files you want to save in your database.
Log Path
The log path for openHAB 2 and openHAB 3 differs. The path /var/log/openhab/ is used by openHAB 3 for saving the logs. If you use as example openHAB 2 you want to change the path to /var/log/openhab2/. Please make sure that you use a / at the end of the path!
location = "/var/log/openhab"

location = "/var/log/openhab2"

This path may vary if you installed openHAB manually or via Docker. If you are using Docker, you must specify the path to the volume. And of course you can use another path if you are using HABApp.
How to read a log file
If you want to read a log file you have to run as example:
events = OpenHABLogReader(db_user, db_password, host, port, database, "events", location, "events.log")
openhab = OpenHABLogReader(db_user, db_password, host, port, database, "openhab", location, "openhab.log")

This are two Threads which could be started. As you can see, some parameters are used twice for the constructors, so the use of variables made sense. If e.g. HABApp is added now, you might want to enter the path for the log data there via another variable or directly in the constructor.
This will read the /var/log/openhab/events.log and write its content into the database table events. And it will read /var/log/openhab/openhab.log and write its content into the database table openhab. Of course it is possible that you save it into the same database table.
Add HABApp Logs
If you want to add as example the HABApp logs to this program for also saving them into the database you have to make sure that the HABApp logs are saved in the same location as the openhab logs or use another object. Please edit the config.yml (as example in /etc/openhab/habapp/):
logging: /var/log/openhab # Folder where the logs will be written to

HABApp_events = OpenHABLogReader(db_user, db_password, host, port, database, "HABApp_events", "/etc/openhab/habapp/logs", "HABApp_events.log")
HABApp = OpenHABLogReader(db_user, db_password, host, port, database, "HABApp", "/etc/openhab/habapp/logs", "HABApp.log")

Then you have to make sure that HABApp uses the same formatting for saving the logs than openhab. Please edit the logging.yml (as example in /etc/openhab/habapp/):
class: HABApp.core.lib.handler.MidnightRotatingFileHandler
filename: '/var/log/openhab/HABApp.log'
maxBytes: 1_048_576
backupCount: 3

formatter: HABApp_format
level: DEBUG

class: HABApp.core.lib.handler.MidnightRotatingFileHandler
filename: 'HABApp_events.log'
maxBytes: 1_048_576
backupCount: 3

formatter: HABApp_format
level: DEBUG

class: logging.handlers.MemoryHandler
capacity: 10
formatter: HABApp_format
target: EventFile
level: DEBUG

level: INFO
- HABApp_default
propagate: False

level: INFO
- BufferEventFile
propagate: False


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