Python Pypi Mirror 5.2.1 | Coderz Product

python-pypi-mirror 5.2.1

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pythonpypimirror 5.2.1

pypi-mirror is a small script to generate a partial PyPI mirror. It
relies on pip to do the most difficult part of the job (downloading
a package and its dependencies).

Because most of the time you don’t need a full PyPI mirror but only a
mirror that contains the packages you use. If you want a full PyPI
mirror you should look at bandersnatch.

You can install pypi-mirror using pip:
pip install python-pypi-mirror
Or using conda:
conda install -c conda-forge python-pypi-mirror

How to use it?
The script provides several commands to manage your mirror. To find out
which commands are available, type:
pypi-mirror --help
Every command provides its own help message. So for example to get the
help message of the download command, type:
pypi-mirror download --help
The commands that you will probably use the most are the download
command and the create command. For example to create a mirror which
contains the requests package and its dependencies, you can type the
pypi-mirror download -d downloads requests
pypi-mirror create -d downloads -m simple
The first command will create a downloads directory into the current
directory and use pip to download the requests package and its
dependencies into the newly created directory. Then the create
command will create a simple directory into the current directory
and will build the mirror inside this newly created directory. You can
add new packages by repeating this sequence of commands.
To make your mirror available through HTTP, you can point your HTTP
server of choice to the simple directory. For exemple, type the
following command into the current directory:
python3 -m http.server
It will start a HTTP server that will serve file from the current
directory (which should contains the downloads directory and the
simple directory). You can then install packages using your brand
new mirror using the following command:
pip install -i requests

About versioning
This package use semver to manage version numbering. It means that
every times the major number is increased a backward incompatible
change has been introduced in the API (the command line is an API). So
be careful when upgrading to a new major release as it will surely
break your scripts.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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