Python Starter Package 1.0.0 | Coderz Product

python-starter-package 1.0.0

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pythonstarterpackage 1.0.0


Example Python project that demonstrates how to create a tested Python package using the latest
Python testing and linting tooling. The project contains a div package that provides a simple
implementation of division (div.lib)
and a command line interface (div.cli).
Python 3.6+.

Because Python 2.7 support ended January 1, 2020, new projects
should consider supporting Python 3 only, which is simpler than trying to support both. As a
result, support for Python 2.7 in this example project has been dropped.

Running CLI application

export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:<path_to_directory>/python-starter/src"
python -a 5 -b 2

Dependencies are defined in:


Virtual Environments
It is best practice during development to create an
isolated Python virtualenv wrapper using the mkvirtualenv
command. This will keep dependant Python packages from interfering with other
Python projects on your system.
On *Nix:
$ mkvirtualenv -p python3.x venv

It is good practice to update core packaging tools (pip, setuptools,
and wheel) to the latest versions.
(venv) $ python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

Installing Dependencies
To update dependencies:
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(venv) $ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

After upgrading dependencies, run the unit tests as described in the Unit Testing
section to ensure that none of the updated packages caused incompatibilities in the current
This project is designed as a Python package, meaning that it can be bundled up and redistributed
as a single compressed file.
Packaging is configured by:


To package the project as both a
source distribution and
a wheel:
(venv) $ python sdist bdist_wheel

This will generate dist/div-1.0.0.tar.gz and dist/div-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl.
Read more about the advantages of wheels to understand why generating
wheel distributions are important.
Upload Distributions to PyPI
Source and wheel redistributable packages can
be uploaded to PyPI or installed
directly from the filesystem using pip.
To upload to PyPI:
(venv) $ python -m pip install twine
(venv) $ twine upload dist/*

Automated testing is performed using tox. tox
will automatically create virtual environments based on tox.ini for unit testing, PEP8 style
guide checking, and documentation generation.
# Run all environments.
# To only run a single environment, specify it like: -e lint
# command above.
(venv) $ tox

Unit Testing
Unit testing is performed with pytest. pytest has become the defacto Python
unit testing framework. Some key advantages over the built
in unittest module are:

Significantly less boilerplate needed for tests.
PEP8 compliant names (e.g. pytest.raises() instead of self.assertRaises()).
Vibrant ecosystem of plugins.

pytest will automatically discover and run tests by recursively searching for folders and .py
files prefixed with test for any functions prefixed by test.
The tests folder is created as a Python package (i.e. there is an file within it)
because this helps pytest uniquely namespace the test files. Without this, two test files cannot
be named the same, even if they are in different sub-directories.
Code coverage is provided by the pytest-cov plugin.
When running a unit test tox environment (e.g. tox -e py36), an HTML report is generated in
the htmlcov folder showing each source file and which lines were executed during unit testing.
Open htmlcov/index.html in a web browser to view the report. Code coverage reports help identify
areas of the project that are currently not tested.
Code coverage is configured in pyproject.toml.
To pass arguments to pytest through tox:
(venv) $ tox -e py36 -- -k invalid_divide

Code Style Checking
PEP8 is the universally accepted style guide for
Python code. PEP8 code compliance is verified using flake8. flake8 is
configured in the [flake8] section of tox.ini. Extra flake8 plugins are also included:

pep8-naming: Ensure functions, classes, and variables are named with correct casing.

Automated Code Formatting
Code is automatically formatted using black. Imports are
automatically sorted and grouped using isort.
These tools are configured by:


To automatically format code, run:
(venv) $ tox -e fmt

To verify code has been formatted, such as in a CI job:
(venv) $ tox -e fmt-check

Generated API Documentation
Generate a New Sphinx Project
To generate the Sphinx project shown in this project:
(venv) $ mkdir -p docs/api
(venv) $ cd docs/api
(venv) $ sphinx-quickstart --no-makefile --no-batchfile --extensions sphinx.ext.napoleon
# When prompted, select all defaults.

Modify appropriately:
# Add the project's Python package to the path so that autodoc can find it.
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../../src"))

You might also need to add apidoc/modules.rst in index.rst file (See line number 13). This has already been done for this project but might be helpful if you start a project of your own.
API Documentation for the div Python project modules is automatically
generated using a Sphinx tox environment. Sphinx is a documentation
generation tool that is the defacto tool for Python API documentation. Sphinx uses
the RST markup language.
This project uses
the napoleon plugin for
Sphinx, which renders Google-style docstrings. Google-style docstrings provide a good mix of
easy-to-read docstrings in code as well as nicely-rendered output.
"""Divides first input with the second input.

a: Numerator
b: Denominator

InvalidDivideError: If denominator is 0

Computed division.

The Sphinx project is configured in docs/api/
This project uses the furo Sphinx theme for its elegant, simple to
use, dark theme.
Build the docs using the docs-api tox environment (e.g. tox or tox -e docs-api). Once built,
open docs/api/_build/index.html in a web browser.
To configure Sphinx to automatically rebuild when it detects changes, run tox -e docs-api-serve
and open in a browser.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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