Pyzfn 0.1.10 | Coderz Product

pyzfn 0.1.10

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pyzfn 0.1.10

A micromagnetic post processing library for the data generated by amumax, a fork of mumax3.
Wrapper around zarr.hierarchy.Group from zarr to implement convenience functions that work with the ouput of a modified mumax3.
pip install pyzfn

90 % of the functionnalities are provided by zarr, please refer to that documentation extensively.
from pyzfn import Pyzfn

job = Pyzfn("path/to/job.zarr")

# Use this extensively
job.pp # pretty print the data tree with a widget
job.p # not pretty print, but does not need a widget

# Getting simulation metadata:
# json file located at path/to/job.zarr/.attrs
# You can acces it like a python dict:
dx = job.attrs["dx"]
# or as a class attribute (given that you have no dataset named similarly):
dx = job.dx

# Get data you saved in amumax:
# Ex: the x component of the magnetization for all cells for 10 <= t < 20
# t ,z,y,x,c
mag = job.m[10:20,:,:,:,0] # mag is a number array

# This will not load the data
mag_dst = job.m
# You need to slice it to obtain the numpy array
arr = mag_dst[:]

# Some very useful info

# Reminder that the `help` and `dir` functions in python exist:

# The following is not from zarr, they are convenient (somewhat optimized) post processing functions

# Data visualization:
job.snapshot() # visualize data for a specific t
job.ispec() # interactive fft spectra


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