Qbraid Core 0.1.20 | Coderz Product

qbraid-core 0.1.20

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qbraidcore 0.1.20


Python library providing core abstractions for software development within the qBraid ecosystem, and a low-level interface to a growing array of qBraid cloud services. The qbraid-core package forms the foundational base for the qBraid CLI, the qBraid SDK, and the
You can find the latest, most up to date, documentation here, including a list of services that are supported.
Getting Started
You can install qbraid-core from PyPI with:
python -m pip install qbraid-core

Local configuration
After installing qbraid-core, you must configure your account credentials:

Create a qBraid account or log in to your existing account by visiting
Copy your API Key token from the left side of
your account page:
Save your API key from step 2 in local configuration file ~/.qbraid/qbraidrc, where ~ corresponds to your home ($HOME) directory:

api-key = YOUR_KEY
url = https://api.qbraid.com/api

Or generate your ~/.qbraid/qbraidrc file via the qbraid-core Python interface:
>>> from qbraid_core import QbraidSession
>>> session = QbraidSession(api_key='API_KEY')
>>> session.save_config()
>>> session.get_available_services()
['environments', 'quantum']

Other credential configuration methods can be found here.
Verify setup
After configuring your qBraid credentials, verify your setup by running the following from a Python interpreter:
>>> import qbraid_core
>>> quantum_client = qbraid_core.client('quantum')
>>> device_data = quantum_client.search_devices()
>>> for item in device_data:
... print(item['qbraid_id'])


For feature requests and bug reports: Submit an issue
For discussions and/or specific questions about qBraid services, join our discord community
For questions that are more suited for a forum, post to Stack Overflow with the qbraid tag.

Launch on qBraid
The "Launch on qBraid" button (below) can be added to any public GitHub
repository. Clicking on it automaically opens qBraid Lab, and performs a
git clone of the project repo into your account's home directory. Copy the
code below, and replace YOUR-USERNAME and YOUR-REPOSITORY with your GitHub

Use the badge in your project's README.md:
[<img src="https://qbraid-static.s3.amazonaws.com/logos/Launch_on_qBraid_white.png" width="150">](https://account.qbraid.com?gitHubUrl=https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY.git)

Use the badge in your project's README.rst:
.. image:: https://qbraid-static.s3.amazonaws.com/logos/Launch_on_qBraid_white.png
:target: https://account.qbraid.com?gitHubUrl=https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY.git
:width: 150px


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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