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qcselector 0.0.2b12
The Selector library provides methods for selecting a diverse subset of a (molecular) dataset.
Please use the following citation in any publication using the selector library:
It is recommended to install selector within a virtual environment. To create a virtual
environment, we can use the venv module (Python 3.3+,, miniconda (, or
pipenv (
Installing from PyPI
To install selector with pip, we can install the latest stable release from the Python Package Index (PyPI) as follows:
# install the stable release.
pip install qc-selector
Installing from The Prebuild Wheel Files
To download the prebuilt wheel files, visit the PyPI page
and GitHub releases.
# download the wheel file first to your local machine
# then install the wheel file
pip install file_path/qc_selector-0.0.2b12-py3-none-any.whl
Installing from the Source Code
In addition, we can install the latest development version from the GitHub repository as follows:
# install the latest development version
pip install git+
We can also clone the repository to access the latest development version, test it and install it as follows:
# clone the repository
git clone
# change into the working directory
cd Selector
# run the tests
python -m pytest .
# install the package
pip install .
See for full details.
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