Qmake2cmake 1.0.6 | Coderz Product

qmake2cmake 1.0.6

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qmake2cmake 1.0.6

This repository contains Python scripts to convert QMake projects to
CMake projects.
The qmake2cmake tool creates a CMakeLists.txt that covers the most common
attributes of the converted .pro file. The generated CMake project can be
used as baseline and will most likely need manual adjustments.
QMake constructs that cannot be converted end up in the CMake project as
Qt versions lower than 6.0 are not supported.
The following QMake constructs are not converted:

TEMPLATE = aux projects
custom .prf files
extra compilers
extra targets
installation rules


Python 3.7,
pip to manage Python packages.

You can install the qmake2cmake package directly via pip install qmake2cmake.
In case you are developing a new feature or want to install the latest
repository version, do an editable build by running pip install -e .
Installation for contributors
For developers who want to contribute to qmake2cmake, we recommend
using a virtual
environment to avoid
conflicts with other packages that are already installed.

Create an environment: python3 -m venv env --prompt qmake2cmake,
Activate the environment: source env/bin/activate
(on Windows: env\Scripts\activate.bat)
Install the requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

If the pip install command above doesn't work, try:
python3.7 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

After installing the qmake2cmake package, two scripts will be
available in your bin/ directory of your Python environment:
qmake2cmake and qmake2cmake_all.
The following call converts a single QMake project file to CMake:
qmake2cmake ~/projects/myapp/myapp.pro --min-qt-version 6.3

It's necessary to specify a minimum Qt version the project is supposed
to be built with. Use the --min-qt-version option or the
environment variable QMAKE2CMAKE_MIN_QT_VERSION.
By default, a CMakeLists.txt is placed next to the .pro file.
To generate CMakeLists.txt in a different location, use the -o option:
qmake2cmake ~/projects/myapp/myapp.pro --min-qt-version 6.3 -o ~/projects/myapp-converted/CMakeLists.txt

To convert a whole project tree, pass the project directory to qmake2cmake_all:
qmake2cmake_all ~/projects/myapp --min-qt-version 6.3

The main source code repository is hosted at
See the Qt Contribution Guidelines
page, Setting up Gerrit and
Gerrit Introduction for more
details about how to upload patches for review.
Code style and tests
You can run the linter (mypy), code-style checkers (flake8, black)
and tests (pytest) by executing:
make test

There are also separate make targets for each of those make mypy, make flake8,
make black_format_check, make pytest.
You can auto-format the code using black:
make format

Releasing a new version
Increase the version number in setup.cfg according to semantic versioning 2.0.
For building and uploading qmake2cmake you will need the Python
modules build and twine.
Build the wheel:
$ python -m build

Upload to testpypi:
$ twine upload --repository testpypi dist/<wheel-name>

Install the uploaded wheel in a fresh venv:
$ python -m venv fresh && . ./fresh/bin/activate
(fresh)$ pip install -i https://testpypi.python.org/pypi qmake2cmake --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple

If the installation succeeded, try to convert something.
If everything is bueno, upload the wheel to production pypi.
$ twine upload --repository pypi dist/<wheel-name>

It is advisable to try out this wheel in another fresh venv.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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