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qoptcraft 2.0.0
A Python package for the design and study of linear optical quantum systems.
Documentation and examples can be found here.
Create and activate a new conda environment
conda create --name test python==3.11
conda activate test
Clone the repository
git clone -b optimized
Install with pip:
pip install git+
Quick usage
Clemens and Reck decompositions
We can decompose any unitary into beamsplitters and phase shifters:
from qoptcraft.optical_elements import clemens_decomposition, reck_decomposition
from qoptcraft.operators import haar_random_unitary
modes = 4
unitary = haar_random_unitary(modes)
left, diag, right = clemens_decomposition(unitary)
diag, right = reck_decomposition(unitary)
We can get easily get the basis of the unitary algebra
from qoptcraft.basis import get_algebra_basis
modes = 2
photons = 3
basis_algebra, basis_image_algebra = get_algebra_basis(modes, photons)
or the Fock state basis of the Hilbert space
from qoptcraft.basis import get_photon_basis, hilbert_dim
photon_basis = get_photon_basis(modes, photons)
dimension = hilbert_dim(modes, photons) # should equal len(photon_basis)
We can create pure quantum states by summing Fock states:
from math import sqrt
from qoptcraft.state import Fock
in_fock = Fock(1, 1, 0, 0)
bell_state = 1 / sqrt(2) * Fock(1, 0, 1, 0) + 1 / sqrt(2) * Fock(0, 1, 0, 1)
To check if transitions between quantum states are forbidden by a linear optical transformation, we simply run
from qoptcraft.invariant import forbidden_transition, photon_invariant
forbidden_transition(in_fock, bell_state, method="reduced")
>>> True
The invariant can be calculated from density matrices (calculations use the basis of the algebra)
To check if transitions between quantum states are forbidden by a linear optical transformation, we simply run
from qoptcraft.state import MixedState
from qoptcraft.invariant import forbidden_transition, photon_invariant
mixed_state = MixedState.from_mixture(pure_states=[in_fock, bell_state], probs=[0.5, 0.5])
forbidden_transition(mixed_state, bell_state, method="basis")
>>> True
Quantizing linear interferomenters
We can easily compute the unitary matrix associated with a linear interferometer S and a certain number of photons. There are four different methods to compute the unitary: 'heisenberg', 'hamiltonian', 'permanent glynn' and 'permanent ryser'.
from qoptcraft.operators import haar_random_unitary
from qoptcraft.evolution import photon_unitary
modes = 2
photons = 3
interferometer = haar_random_unitary(modes)
unitary_heisenberg = photon_unitary(interferometer, photons, method="heisenberg")
unitary_hamiltonian = photon_unitary(interferometer, photons, method="hamiltonian")
unitary_glynn = photon_unitary(interferometer, photons, method="permanent glynn")
unitary_ryser = photon_unitary(interferometer, photons, method="permanent ryser")
We can apply this function to a 50:50 beamsplitter to recover the Hong-Ou-Mandel matrix
from numpy import pi as PI
from qoptcraft.optical_elements import beam_splitter
bs_matrix = beam_splitter(angle=PI/4, shift=0, dim=2, mode_1=0, mode_2=1, convention="clemens")
hong_ou_mandel = photon_unitary(bs_matrix, photons=3, method="heisenberg")
Retrieve the linear optical scattering matrix from the quantized unitary
If a given unitary matrix comes from a linear optical scattering matrix, we can retrieve it
from qoptcraft import haar_random_unitary, photon_unitary, scattering_from_unitary
modes = 3
photons = 2
S = haar_random_unitary(modes)
U = photon_unitary(S, photons)
S_rebuilt = scattering_from_unitary(U, modes, photons)
If this scattering matrix doesn't exist, it will raise an InconsistentEquations error.
Approximating a unitary with linear optics (Topogonov)
from qoptcraft.operators import qft
from qoptcraft.topogonov import topogonov
modes = 3
photons = 2
unitary = qft(6)
approx_unitary, error = topogonov(unitary, modes, photons)
QOptCraft is the work of Daniel Gómez Aguado ( and Pablo V. Parellada (
If you are doing research using qoptcraft, please cite our paper:
Daniel Gómez Aguado et al. qoptcraft: A Python package for the design and study of linear optical quantum systems. 2023.
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[7] J. C. García Escartín and J. J. Moyano Fernández, ”Optimal approximation to unitary quantum operators with linear optics”, arXiv:2011.15048v1 [quant-ph].
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[9] T. A. Loring, ”Computing a logarithm of a unitary matrix with general spectrum”, Numerical Linear Algebra wth Applications, 21 (6) 744–760 (2014).
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