Qpandalite 0.2.1.Post1 | Coderz Product

qpandalite 0.2.1.post1

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qpandalite 0.2.1.post1


QPanda: Quantum Programming Architecture for NISQ Device Application
QPanda-lite should be a simple, easy, and transparent python-native version for QPanda.
Developing. Unstable.
Design principles

A clear, and tranparent way to assemble/execute a quantum program
Support sync/async modes for execution on a quantum hardware
Clear error hints
Full, and better documentations
Visualization of the quantum program
Be able to migrate to different quantum backends


Linux (not fully tested)
MacOS (not fully tested)


Python >= 3.8

Optional for quafu execution
manually install via pip :

pyquafu (pip install pyquafu)

Optional for qiskit execution
manually install via pip :

qiskit (pip install qiskit) and
qiskit-ibm-provider (pip install qiskit-ibm-provider) and
qiskit-ibmq-provider (pip install qiskit-ibmq-provider)

Optional for C++ simulator

CMake >= 3.1
C++ compiler (with C++ 14 support), including MSVC, gcc, clang, etc...

Build from source
A minimum version
# Clone the code
git clone https://github.com/Agony5757/QPanda-lite.git
cd QPanda-lite

# install
python setup.py install --no-cpp

For development
git clone https://github.com/Agony5757/QPanda-lite.git
cd QPanda-lite

# install
python setup.py develop

With C++ enabled (quantum circuit simulator written in C++, ensure that CMAKE is included in your environment variables.)
git clone https://github.com/Agony5757/QPanda-lite.git
cd QPanda-lite

# install
python setup.py install

Build the docs
Will be released in the future.
For python 3.8 to 3.10
pip install qpandalite

There are several ways to use QPanda-lite now.

Circuit building
Run circuit on several backends / dummies (classical-simulation backends)
Circuit simulation

1. Circuit build
Refer to test/demo
from qpandalite import Circuit

c = Circuit()
c.rx(1, 0.1)
c.cnot(1, 0)
measure(0, 1, 2, 3)

Code sample

Circuit initialization
c = qpandalite.Circuit()

Qubit/cbit initialization

No need to specify the number

Gate (like CNOT)
Directly use the qubit number

Directly use the qubit number (no support mid-circuit measurement)

c = c.remapping({0:10, 1:11, 2:12})
Input a python dict to indicate the mapping. It creates a new Circuit object.

Output as str
c.circuit / c.originir
Return a python str

2. Circuit run on Quantum Devices / Dummies

Code sample

"Import" the platform
import qpandalite.task.originq as originq
This importing is independent from "import qpandalite". Available platforms are under qpandalite.task

Prepare the account

See qcloud_config_template

Task submission
taskid = originq.submit_task(circuits)
Circuits is str or List[str]. Returned taskid can be either list or one str, depending on the number of inputting circuits. All returns are native python data structures. See Circuit build.

Query (synchronously)
results = originq.query_by_taskid_sync(taskid)
Inputting the taskid by the return of submit_task. The results are always a list (even if you only submit one circuit). All returns are native python data structures.

Query (asynchronously)
status_and_result = originq.query_by_taskid(taskid)
Inputting the taskid by the return of submit_task. This will immediately return without waiting. Use status_and_result['status'] to see if the computing is finished; use status_and_result['result'] to view results (the same with Query (synchronously), always being a list). All returns are native python data structures.

Handle measurement result
results = originq.convert_originq_result(results, style = 'keyvalue', prob_or_shots = 'prob', key_style = 'bin')
Convert the raw data to a more human-friendly format. Style includes "keyvalue" and "list", prob_or_shots includes "prob" and "shots". When inputting a list, the output is also a list corresponding to all inputs. All returns are native python data structures.

Calculate expectation
exps = [calculate_expectation(result, ['ZII', 'IZI', 'IIZ']) for result in results]
Calculate the Z/I expectations accroding to the measurement results. Note that it only accepts the diagonal Hamiltonians. The hamiltonians can be a list, where the output is also a list. However, the input "result" cannot be a list.

2.1 OriginQ
Step 1. Create online config
Refer to qcloud_config_template/originq_template.py

Input the necessary information (token, urls, group_size) to call create_originq_online_config
You will have the originq_online_config.json in your current working directory (cwd).
Now you can submit task to the online chip!

Step 1.1 (Optional). Use originq_dummy
Dummy server is used to emulate the behavior of an online-avaiable quantum computing server, without really accessing the system but with your local computer to simulate the quantum circuit.

Input the necessary information (available_qubits and available_topology) to call create_originq_dummy_config.

If you want both mode, use create_originq_config and inputting all needed information.

Step 2. Create the circuits and run
Refer to test/demo
2.2 Circuit run on Quafu Device
Step 1. Create online config
Refer to qcloud_config_template/quafu_template.py

Input the necessary information (token, urls, group_size) to call create_quafu_online_config
You will have the quafu_online_config.json in your cwd.
Now you can submit task to the online chip!

Step 2. Create the circuit and run
2.3 Circuit run on IBM Device
3. Circuit simulation
Refer to test/draft_test/originir_simulator_test.py
import qpandalite.simulator as qsim

sim = qsim.OriginIR_Simulator(reverse_key=False)

originir = '''
RY q[45],(0.9424777960769379)
RY q[46],(0.9424777960769379)
CZ q[45],q[46]
RY q[45],(-0.25521154)
RY q[46],(0.26327053)
X q[46]
MEASURE q[45],c[0]
MEASURE q[46],c[2]
MEASURE q[52],c[1]

res = sim.simulate(originir)

# Expect output:
# [0.23218757036469517, 0.04592184582945769, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6122094271102275, 0.10968115669561962, 0.0, 0.0]
# [(0.4818584546987789+0j), (-0.21429383059121812+0j), (0.7824381298928546+0j), (0.33118145584500897+0j), 0j, 0j, 0j, 0j]

Documentation (not finished)
Readthedocs: https://qpanda-lite.readthedocs.io/
Build the docs
The doc is based on
cd docs
pip install -r requirements.txt
make html


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