Quimeraps 0.87 | Coderz Product

quimeraps 0.87

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quimeraps 0.87

Quimera printing service is a jon-rpc server that processes jasperreports reports and fills them with the information received through calls to the service.
It consists of 3 parts:
-server. Json-rpc server processing calls
-customer. PyQt6 interface in charge of viewing the status of the server and managing printers and models.
-daemon. Allows you to install and / or remove the quimera service on the host operating system.

Java JRE 9 (tested with OpenJDK 11 on windows) (Set JAVA_HOME in environment variables)
Ghostscript (tested with 9.55 on windows)

In console with administrator privileges we execute:
pip install quimeraps
pip install git+https://github.com/acesseonline/pyreportjasper@master#egg=pyreportjasper
sudo -H pip3 install quimeraps
sudo -H pip3 install git+https://github.com/acesseonline/pyreportjasper@master#egg=pyreportjasper
Service installation (Linux):
quimeraps_daemon install. This service can be managed in the style of service quimeraps [start, stop, restart]
Service installation (Windows):
Download NSSM from https://nssm.cc/download
Use "nssm.exe install QuimeraPrintService". Set quimeraps_server path and accept.
Uninstall service (Linux):
quimeraps_daemon remove
If we want to launch a server manually through the console:

We must make sure that there are no other quimera servers running on the machine.
We run quimeraps_server with administrator privileges.

Using reports:
The reports must be located:

(Linux) /opt/quimeraPS/reports
(Windows) ...\ProgramFiles\quimeraPS\reports

Registration of models and printer.
For easy management of models and printers, quimeraps_client has been provided, which allows visually mapping existing printers and models with aliases recognized by the client.
The log can be found in:

(Linux) /var/log/quimeraps.log
(Windows) ...\ProgramFiles\quimeraPS\quimera.log

You can enable the use of chimeraps with ssl as follows:
Inside the chimeraPS folder, we create the cert folder and add the ssl.cert and ssl.key files. If the ssl.key file does not exist, an adhoc ssl connection will be created.
Instructions for generating certificate and ssl password.
opensslgenrsa2048>ssl.key openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -days 365 -key ssl.key > ssl.cert


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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