Remote Image Button | Coderz Repository


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remote image button

remote_image_button #
Flutter widget to manage an image button UI from a JSON definition
This is a Remote UI plugin.
Usage #
Add the factory to the RemoteManagerWidget:
parsers: [RemoteImageButtonFactory()],
child: RemoteWidget(...)
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RemoteImageButtonFactory can take a base url provider function, in case you definition contains only /image/on.jpg the base url will be taken from the provider
Then you can provide a JSON representation of a color picker like this:
'type': 'image_button',
'id': 'myButton',
'value': 'on',
'values': {
'on': '',
'off': '',
copied to clipboard
Image button:
id : id of the widget
value : current value, it has to match one of the values entries
width : width of the button
height: height of the button
fit: fit, default to contain (1), see BoxFit for more
padding: padding of the button, see EdgeInsets definition
values: map of possible value


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