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RNG 1.9.1
Random Number Generator & Engine for Python3
This project has been rolled into Fortuna and is no longer supported here.
Development History
RNG 1.9.0
Storm Multithreading Update
RNG 1.8.0
Installer update
Storm 3.3.4 update
Adds four new functions:
RNG 1.7.3
Documentation Update
RNG 1.7.2
Adds four new functions:
RNG 1.7.1
Fixes Major Bug in 1.7.0
RNG 1.7.0
Storm 3.3.3 update
RNG 1.6.7
Installer Update to address installation on Linux.
RNG 1.6.6
Documentation Update
RNG 1.6.5
Fixed Typos
RNG 1.6.4
Installer update.
RNG 1.6.3
More minor typos fixed.
RNG 1.6.2
Minor typos fixed.
RNG 1.6.1
Storm 3.2.2 Update.
RNG 1.6.0
RNG is now compatible with python notebooks.
RNG 1.5.5
Storm Update
RNG 1.5.4
Storm 3.2 Update
RNG 1.5.3
Fixed Typos
RNG 1.5.2
Compiler Config Update
RNG 1.5.1
A number of testing routines have been extracted into a new module: MonkeyScope.
RNG 1.5.0, internal
Further API Refinements, new naming convention for variate generators: <algorithm name>_variate
RNG 1.4.2
Install script update
Test tweaks for noise reduction in timing tests.
RNG 1.4.1
Test Patch for new API
Documentation Updates
RNG 1.4.0
API Refactoring
RNG 1.3.4
Storm Update 3.1.1
RNG 1.3.3
Installer script update
RNG 1.3.2
Minor Bug Fix
RNG 1.3.1
Test Update
RNG 1.3.1
Fixed Typos
RNG 1.3.0
Storm Update
RNG 1.2.5
Low level clean up
RNG 1.2.4
Minor Typos Fixed
RNG 1.2.3
Documentation Update
Test Update
Bug Fixes
RNG 1.0.0 - 1.2.2, internal
API Changes:
randint changed to random_int
randbelow changed to random_below
random changed to generate_canonical
uniform changed to random_float
RNG 0.2.3
Bug Fixes
RNG 0.2.2
discrete() removed.
RNG 0.2.1
minor typos
discrete() depreciated.
RNG 0.2.0
Major Rebuild.
RNG 0.1.22
The RNG Storm Engine is now the default standard.
Experimental Vortex Engine added for testing.
RNG 0.1.21 beta
Small update to the testing suite.
RNG 0.1.20 beta
Changed default inputs for random_int and random_below to sane values.
random_int(left_limit=1, right_limit=20) down from -2**63, 2**63 - 1
random_below(upper_bound=10) down from 2**63 - 1
RNG 0.1.19 beta
Broke some fixed typos, for a change of pace.
RNG 0.1.18 beta
Fixed some typos.
RNG 0.1.17 beta
Major Refactoring.
New primary engine: Hurricane.
Experimental engine Typhoon added: random_below() only.
RNG 0.1.16 beta
Internal Engine Performance Tuning.
RNG 0.1.15 beta
Engine Testing.
RNG 0.1.14 beta
Fixed a few typos.
RNG 0.1.13 beta
Fixed a few typos.
RNG 0.1.12 beta
Major Test Suite Upgrade.
Major Bug Fixes.
Removed several 'foot-guns' in prep for fuzz testing in future releases.
RNG 0.1.11 beta
Fixed small bug in the install script.
RNG 0.1.10 beta
Fixed some typos.
RNG 0.1.9 beta
Fixed some typos.
RNG 0.1.8 beta
Fixed some typos.
More documentation added.
RNG 0.1.7 beta
The random_floating_point function renamed to random_float.
The function c_rand() has been removed as well as all the cruft it required.
Major Documentation Upgrade.
Fixed an issue where keyword arguments would fail to propagate. Both, positional args and kwargs now work as intended.
Added this Dev Log.
RNG 0.0.6 alpha
Minor ABI changes.
RNG 0.0.5 alpha
Tests redesigned slightly for Float functions.
RNG 0.0.4 alpha
Random Float Functions Implemented.
RNG 0.0.3 alpha
Random Integer Functions Implemented.
RNG 0.0.2 alpha
Random Bool Function Implemented.
RNG 0.0.1 pre-alpha
Planning & Design.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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