Root | Coderz Product


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root plugin #

A Flutter Plugin to check Android device Root status and Run shell commands in android(only). #
This plugin is based on Topjohnwu libsu and Stericson Root Tools.

Usage #
To use this plugin, add root as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. #
root: ^2.0.4
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import it #
import 'package:root/root.dart';
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Declare a async method to check root status #
bool _status = false;

Future<void> checkRoot() async {
bool result = await Root.isRooted();
setState(() {
_status = result;

later you can use _status in your code to let app know the root status.

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Declare a async method to check Su on System #
bool _status = false;

Future<void> checkRoot() async {
bool result = await Root.isRootAvailable();
setState(() {
_status = result;

later you can use _status in your code to let app know the root status.

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Declare a async method to run shell commands #
use this function only for short period of processes, don't use for long processes else app may crash
String _result;

Future<void> setCommand() async {
String res = await Root.exec(cmd: "cat /proc/version");
setState(() {
_result = res;

later you can use the _result in your code to let know the output of the given shell command.

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issues #

Please file the issues you found. Thank you.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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