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RsAreg800 5.30.49
Rohde & Schwarz AREG800A automotive radar echo generator RsAreg800 instrument driver.
Basic Hello-World code:
from RsAreg800 import *
instr = RsAreg800('TCPIP::')
idn = instr.query('*IDN?')
print('Hello, I am: ' + idn)
Supported instruments: AREG
The package is hosted here:
Version history
Latest release notes summary: Fixed all commands ‘Pattern’ variables from lists to raw scalar strings.
Version 5.30.49
Fixed all commands ‘Pattern’ variables from lists to raw scalar strings.
Version 5.30.48
Updated core and help file
Version 5.30.47
Update for FW 5.30.047
Version 5.0.57
First release for FW 5.00.057
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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