Screen Recorder | Coderz Repository


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screen recorder

🚧 This is highly experimental! 🚧
🚧 API is subject to change! 🚧

This is a package to create recordings of Flutter widgets.
The recordings can be exported as GIFs.
This is pure Flutter/Dart implementation without any dependencies on native
or platform code. Thus it runs on all supported platforms.
Please note, that the encoding of the GIF takes a lot of time. On web it is basically useless because it takes so much time.
🚀 Getting Started #
Setup #
First, you will need to add screen_recorder to your pubspec.yaml:
sdk: flutter
screen_recorder: x.y.z # use the latest version found on
copied to clipboard
Then, run flutter packages get in your terminal.
Example #
Wrap your widget which should be recorded in a ScreenRecorder:
height: 200,
width: 200,
background: Colors.white,
controller: ScreenRecorderController(
pixelRatio: 0.5,
skipFramesBetweenCaptures: 2,
child: // child which should be recorded
copied to clipboard
Then use ScreenRecorderController.start() to start recording and
ScreenRecorderController.stop() to stop the recording.
final gif = await ScreenRecorderController.export() gives you the result which can be written to disk.
A complete example can be found here.
⚠️ Known issues and limitations #

Platform views are invisible in screenshots (like webview or Google Maps). For further details, see this Flutter issue and this issue. Please give a 👍 to those issues in order to raise awareness and the prio of those issues.
Web only works with Flutter's CanvasKit Renderer, for more information see Flutter Web Renderer docs.
This package does not and will not support audio until it is possible in a pure Dart/Flutter environment.
This package does not and will not support exporting as a video until it is possible in a pure Dart/Flutter environment.

Convert gif to video #
In order to convert the gif to a video, you can try one of the following libraries. Please note, that compatibility was not tested.







📣 About the author #

Contributors #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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