Screen State | Coderz Product


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screen state

screen_state #

A Flutter plugin for tracking the screen state.
Install #
Add screen_state as a dependency in pubspec.yaml.
For help on adding as a dependency, view the documentation.
Usage #
All incoming data points are streamed with a StreamSubscription which is set up by calling the listen() method on the screenStateStream stream object.
Given a method _onData(ScreenStateEvent event) the subscription can be set up as follows:
Screen _screen;
StreamSubscription<ScreenStateEvent> _subscription;
void onData(ScreenStateEvent event) {

void startListening() {
_screen = new Screen();
try {
_subscription = _screen.screenStateStream.listen(onData);
} on ScreenStateException catch (exception) {
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The stream can also be cancelled again by calling the cancel() method:
void stopListening() {
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Limitations #

This package will exclusively detect screen unlocks on iOS devices that are protected with a passcode. If the device lacks a passcode, it will solely detect the screen's on/off state;
The detection doesn't function when the app is running in the iOS simulator. The plugin will only return a 'Screen_On' event.
When the user sets their brightness to the lowest setting, it is possible that this generates a SCREEN_ON event, a limitation to the way that this plugin detects when the screen is off.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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