Scroll Datetime Picker | Coderz Repository


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scroll datetime picker

Scroll DateTime Picker #

Welcome to the Scroll DateTime Picker – a versatile and highly customizable Flutter package that allows you to effortlessly pick dates, times, or both. Inspired by the CupertinoDatePicker, our package provides a wealth of features for your date and time selection needs.
🔬 Test The Package 🔬 #

Access the example web page here
The homepage features a straightforward example of the Scroll DateTime Picker.
To create your own configuration, access the Customizer Page by clicking the Customize Here button.

Key Features #

🗓️ Customize Date/Time Format
📅 Customize Date/Time Order
🌍 Customize Date/Time Locale
✏️ Customize Date/Time TextStyles
🛞 Customize Scroll Wheel Appearance
🎨 Fully Customize Date/Time Picker Appearance
📜 Choose Between Infinite/Finite Scroll
🧠 Smart Detection on Invalid Date & Leap Year Handling

Usage #
Add to pubspec.yaml
dart pub add scroll_datetime_picker
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Import the package
import 'package:scroll_datetime_picker/scroll_datetime_picker.dart';
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Simple usage example
itemExtent: 54,
infiniteScroll: true,
dateOption: DateTimePickerOption(
dateFormat: DateFormat('yyyyMMMdd'),
minDate: DateTime(2000, 6),
maxDate: DateTime(2024, 6),
initialDate: time,
onChange: (datetime) => setState(() {
time = datetime;
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Features Details #
🗓️ Customize Date/Time Format #

Tailor the date and time format to your specific requirements.

Easily modify the date and time format by adjusting the dateFormat property in DateTimePickerOption.
dateOption: DateTimePickerOption(
dateFormat: DateFormat('EddMMMy'),
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The pattern accepted is based on the intl package. See the DateFormat docs to find more about the pattern. DateFormat example patterns:

EEEE, dd MMM yyyy → Monday, 01 Jan 2000
hh:mm:ss a → 06:30:00 pm
DateFormat.yMMMd() → 2020 Jan 01
DateFormat.jms() → 18:30:00

📅 Customize Date/Time Order #

Arrange date and time elements in your preferred order.

To customize Date/Time order to show on the picker, simply modify the pattern that is passed to the dateFormat param on DateTimePickerOption.

To show Year-Month-Day:
dateOption: DateTimePickerOption(
dateFormat: DateFormat('yMMMMdd'),
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To show Day-Month-Year:
dateOption: DateTimePickerOption(
dateFormat: DateFormat('ddMMMMy'),
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🌍 Customize Date/Time Locale #

Set the locale for date and time, ensuring localization accuracy.

Tailor the date and time locale displayed in the picker by passing the locale to the dateFormat parameter in DateTimePickerOption. If no locale is specified, the package will use the default locale. Locale options are based on the intl package. See the Locale docs to find more about the locale. Here's how to use it:

English Locale:
dateOption: DateTimePickerOption(
dateFormat: DateFormat('yMMMMdd', 'en'),
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French Locale:
dateOption: DateTimePickerOption(
dateFormat: DateFormat('yMMMMdd', 'fr'),
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Default Locale:
dateOption: DateTimePickerOption(
dateFormat: DateFormat('ddMMMMy'),
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✏️ Customize Date/Time TextStyles #

Craft your own text styles for a personalized appearance.

Personalize the appearance of the date and time text using the DateTimePickerStyle class. Adjust the TextStyle properties for:

ActiveStyle: Style for text in the center area of the picker
InactiveStyle: Style for text outside the center area.
DisabledStyle: Style for invalid date/time text. Invalid date will be explained in Invalid Date section

Here's an example:
style: DateTimePickerStyle(
activeStyle: TextStyle(
fontSize: 24,
letterSpacing: -0.5,
color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
inactiveStyle: TextStyle(
fontSize: 20,
color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor.withOpacity(0.7),
disabledStyle: TextStyle(
fontSize: 20,
color: Theme.of(context).disabledColor,
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🛞 Customize Scroll Wheel Appearance #

Define the wheel's appearance, from flat to rounded.

Set custom appearance for the picker wheel. The parameters here are based on flutter's ListWheelScrollView. You can make the picker looks flat or rounded like a wheel. Usage example:
wheelOption = const DateTimePickerWheelOption(
perspective: 0.01,
diameterRatio: 1.5,
squeeze: 1.1,
offAxisFraction: 1.5,
physics: BouncingScrollPhysics(),
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📜 Choose Between Infinite/Finite Scroll #

Opt for either finite or infinite scrolling, depending on your needs.

Choose between finite and infinite scrolling based on your requirements:

Finite Scroll: The picker stops at the end of the scroll items.
itemExtent: 54,
infiniteScroll: false // Finite scroll
onChange: (_){}
dateOption: DateTimePickerOption(
dateFormat: DateFormat('EddMMMy'),
minDate: DateTime(2000, 6),
maxDate: DateTime(2024, 6),
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Infinite Scroll: The picker is infinitely scrollable, with values repeating when reaching the end.
itemExtent: 54,
infiniteScroll: true // Infinite scroll
onChange: (_){}
dateOption: DateTimePickerOption(
dateFormat: DateFormat('EddMMMy'),
minDate: DateTime(2000, 6),
maxDate: DateTime(2024, 6),
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🎨 Fully Customize Date/Time Picker Appearance #

Gain complete control over the date/time picker's appearance with a variety of customization options:

Customize Flex Width for Every Date/Time Item
You can control the width (flex) of each date/time item using the DateTimePickerItemFlex class:
itemFlex: const DateTimePickerItemFlex(
weekdayFlex: 7,
dayFlex: 2,
monthFlex: 8,
yearFlex: 4,
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In this example, the flex values for each item type (weekday, day, month, year) are specified.
Customize the Center Area of the Picker
You can customize the center area of the picker (usually the area that indicates the date/time chosen) using the DateTimePickerCenterWidget class. Users can choose to customize the center area for all items at once or individually for each date/time item:
centerWidget: DateTimePickerCenterWidget(
builder: (context, constraints, child) => const DecoratedBox(
decoration: ShapeDecoration(
shape: StadiumBorder(side: BorderSide(width: 3)),
color: AppColor.secondary,
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In this example, the center area is customized with a specific shape decoration and color.
Customize Each Item Based on Its State
You can customize each item on the date picker based on its state (active at the center area, non-active outside the center area, disabled if the item is invalid) using the itemBuilder parameter:
itemBuilder: (context, pattern, text, isActive, isDisabled) =>
style: TextStyle(
color: isDisabled
? Colors.grey
: isActive
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In this example, the text style is customized based on whether the item is active or disabled.
Customize Using BoxDecoration
You can customize the visual aspects such as color, border, and border radius of the date/time picker using the DateTimePickerStyle class. Modify the BoxDecoration parameters to achieve your desired appearance:

ActiveDecoration: Style for the widget in the center area of the picker.
InactiveDecoration: Style for the widget outside the center area of the picker.
CenterDecoration: Style that will be applied to the center area of the picker.

Here's an example:
style: DateTimePickerStyle(
activeStyle: TextStyle(
fontSize: 24,
letterSpacing: -0.5,
color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
inactiveStyle: TextStyle(
fontSize: 20,
color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor.withOpacity(0.7),
disabledStyle: TextStyle(
fontSize: 20,
color: Theme.of(context).disabledColor,
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In this example, the active, inactive, and disabled item of the picker is customized with a specific TextStyle

🧠 Smart Detection on Invalid Date and Leap Year Handling #

Ensure a smooth experience with intelligent handling of invalid dates and leap years.

If the picker wheel stops at a date before the minimum date or after the maximum date, it will automatically revert to the previous date.
If the picker wheel stops at an invalid date (e.g. 31 Jun 2021), the picker will automatically adjust the date. In this case, the day will automatically scrolled to be 30 Jun 2021
If the picker wheel stops at an invalid leap year date e.g. 30 Feb 2020, the picker will automatically fix the invalid value. In this case, the day will automatically scrolled to be 29 Feb 2020

😇 Contribute #
We are always thrilled to welcome anyone who wishes to enhance this package. Your contributions are greatly appreciated! 🙇‍♂️
💡 Issue / Feature Requests #
If you have specific features in mind, don't hesitate to let me know. Please open an issue to discuss your feature requests, and I'll be more than happy to consider them and collaborate towards making this package even better. 🙏


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