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searchable listview
Searchable ListView #
An easy way to filter lists
Features #
Filter list view easily
Filter async list
Filter expansion list
Sort list items
Support async callback in rendering list
Support pagination
Pull to refresh list
Sliver scroll animation effect
Customizable sort widget
Customizable loading when async callback is loading
Customizable error widget
Display custom widget when list is empty
Customize search text field
Change keyboard input type and keyboard submit button
Add focus on search text field
Add on item pressed callback
Customize search text style
Clear icon button in search to easily clear text
Customizable scroll direction
Searchable list with seperator builder
Customizable text field position
Customizable text style in search field
Customize autocomplete options
Customizable secondary widget alongside search
Close automatically keyboard when scrolling on listview
Getting Started #
In order to add searchable listview package to your project add this line to your pubspec.yaml file
searchable_listview: ^2.15.2
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Attributes #
/// Initial list of all elements that will be displayed.
///to filter the [initialList] you need provide [filter] callback
late List<T> initialList;
/// Callback to filter the list based on the given search value.
/// Invoked on changing the text field search if ```searchType == SEARCH_TYPE.onEdit```
/// or invoked when submiting the text field if ```searchType == SEARCH_TYPE.onSubmit```.
/// You should return a list of filtered elements.
List<T> Function(String query)? filter;
///Async callback that return list to be displayed with future builder
///to filter the [asyncListCallback] result you need provide [asyncListFilter]
Future<List<T>?> Function()? asyncListCallback;
///Callback invoked when filtring the searchable list
///used when providing [asyncListCallback]
///can't be null when [asyncListCallback] isn't null
late List<T> Function(String, List<T>)? asyncListFilter;
///Loading widget displayed when [asyncListCallback] is loading
///if nothing is provided in [loadingWidget] searchable list will display a [CircularProgressIndicator]
Widget? loadingWidget;
///error widget displayed when [asyncListCallback] result is null
///if nothing is provided in [errorWidget] searchable list will display a [Icon]
Widget? errorWidget;
/// Builder function that generates the ListView items
/// based on the returned <T> type item
late Widget Function(T item)? itemBuilder;
/// Builder function that generates the Expansion listView items
/// [expansionGroupIndex] : expansion group index
/// [listItem] the current item model that will be rendered.
/// Used only for expansion list constructor
late Widget Function(int expansionGroupIndex, T listItem)?
/// The widget to be displayed when the filter returns an empty list.
/// Defaults to `const SizedBox.shrink()`.
final Widget emptyWidget;
/// Text editing controller applied on the search field.
/// Defaults to null.
late TextEditingController? searchTextController;
/// The keyboard action key
/// Defaults to [TextInputAction.done].
final TextInputAction keyboardAction;
/// The text field input decoration
/// Defaults to null.
final InputDecoration? inputDecoration;
/// The style for the input text field
/// Defaults to null.
final TextStyle? style;
/// The keyboard text input type
/// Defaults to [TextInputType.text]
final TextInputType textInputType;
/// Callback function invoked when submiting the search text field
final Function(String?)? onSubmitSearch;
/// The search type on submiting text field or when changing the text field value
/// Defaults to [SearchMode.onEdit].
final SearchMode searchMode;
/// Indicate whether the text field input should be obscured or not.
/// Defaults to `false`.
final bool obscureText;
/// Indicate if the search text field is enabled or not.
/// Defaults to `true`.
final bool searchFieldEnabled;
/// The focus node applied on the search text field
final FocusNode? focusNode;
/// Indicate whether the clear and search icons will be displayed or not
/// by default it's true, to display the clear icon the inputDecoration should not contains suffix icon
/// otherwise the initial suffix icon will be displayed
final bool displayClearIcon;
/// Indicate whether the search icon will be displayed or not
/// by default it's true, to display the search icon the inputDecoration should not contains suffix icon
/// otherwise the initial suffix icon will be displayed
final bool displaySearchIcon;
/// The color applied on the suffix icon (if `displayClearIcon = true`).
/// Defaults to [Colors.grey].
final Color defaultSuffixIconColor;
/// The size of the suffix icon (if `displayClearIcon = true`).
/// Defaults to 24.
final double defaultSuffixIconSize;
///An async callback invoked when dragging down the list
///if onRefresh is nullable the drag to refresh is not applied
late Future<void> Function()? onRefresh;
///Builder callback required when using [seperated] constructor
///return the Widget that will seperate all the elements inside the list
late Widget Function(BuildContext context, int index)? seperatorBuilder;
///The scroll direction of the list
///by default [Axis.vertical]
Axis scrollDirection = Axis.vertical;
///The position of the text field (bottom or top)
///by default the textfield is displayed on top
SearchTextPosition searchTextPosition =;
///Callback function invoked each time the listview
///reached the bottom
///used to create pagination in listview
Future<dynamic> Function()? onPaginate;
///space between the search textfield and the list
///by default the padding is set to 20
final double spaceBetweenSearchAndList;
///cusor color used in the search textfield
final Color? cursorColor;
///max lines attribute used in the search textfield
final int? maxLines;
///max length attribute used in the search field
final int? maxLength;
///the text alignement of the search field
///by default the alignement is start
final TextAlign textAlign;
///List of strings to display in an auto complete field
///by default list is empty so a simple text field is displayed
final List<String> autoCompleteHints;
///secondary widget will be displayed alongside the search field
///by default it's null
final Widget? secondaryWidget;
///Map of data used to build searchable expansion list
///required when using [expansion] constructor
late Map<dynamic, List<T>> expansionListData;
///callback used when filtering the expansion list
///required when using [expansion] constructor
late Map<dynamic, List<T>> Function(String)? filterExpansionData;
///the expansion list title widget builder
///required when using [expansion] constructor
late Widget Function(dynamic) expansionTitleBuilder;
///physics attributes used in listview widget
late ScrollPhysics? physics;
///shrinkWrap used in listview widget, not used in sliver searchable list
///by default `shrinkWrap = false`
late bool shrinkWrap;
///item extent of the listview
late double? itemExtent;
///listview item padding
late EdgeInsetsGeometry? listViewPadding;
///list items reverse attributes
///by default `reverse = false`
///not available for sliver listview constructor
late bool reverse;
///Predicate callback invoked when sorting list items
///required when `displaySortWidget` is True
late int Function(T a, T b)? sortPredicate;
///Widget displayed when sorting list
/// available only if `displaySortWidget` is True
late Widget? sortWidget;
///Scroll controller passed to listview widget
///by default listview uses scrollcontroller with a listener for pagination if `onPaginate = true`
///or `closeKeyboardWhenScrolling = true` to close keyboard when scrolling
ScrollController? scrollController;
///indicates whether the keyboard will be closed when scrolling or not
///by default `closeKeyboardWhenScrolling = true`
final bool closeKeyboardWhenScrolling;
///indicate whether the expansion will be shown or not when the expansion group is empty
late bool hideEmptyExpansionItems = false;
///Indicate whether the expansion tile will be enabled or not
late bool expansionTileEnabled = true;
/// max width of search text field
final double? searchFieldWidth;
/// height of search text field
final double? searchFieldHeight;
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Implementation #
Default constructor #
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Used to create simple listview with search field (with other attributes to customize your own listview)
Async constructor #
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Used to render listview from a future callback (it require an async callback that return List of objects)
Expansion constructor #
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Used to create expansion listview with search field (with other attributes to customize your own expansion list)
Sliver effect constructor #
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Used to create a listview with sliver scrolling effect (with other attributes to customize your own listview)
Simple implementation #
initialList: actors,
itemBuilder: (Actor user) => UserItem(user: user),
filter: (value) => actors.where((element) =>,).toList(),
emptyWidget: const EmptyView(),
inputDecoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: "Search Actor",
fillColor: Colors.white,
focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: const BorderSide(
width: 1.0,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
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Expansion list with search implementation #
expansionListData: mapOfActors,
expansionTitleBuilder: (p0) {
return Container(
color: Colors.grey[300],
width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width * 0.8,
height: 30,
child: Center(
child: Text(p0.toString()),
filterExpansionData: (p0) {
final filteredMap = {
for (final entry in mapOfActors.entries)
entry.key: (mapOfActors[entry.key] ?? [])
.where((element) =>
return filteredMap;
style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 25),
expansionListBuilder: (int index, Actor _actor) {
return ActorItem(
actor: _actor,
hideEmptyExpansionItems: true,
emptyWidget: const EmptyView(),
inputDecoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: "Search Actor",
fillColor: Colors.white,
focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: const BorderSide(
width: 1.0,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
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Async callback build implementation #
onPaginate: () async {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 1000));
setState(() {
Actor(age: 22, name: 'Fathi', lastName: 'Hadawi'),
Actor(age: 22, name: 'Hichem', lastName: 'Rostom'),
Actor(age: 22, name: 'Kamel', lastName: 'Twati'),
itemBuilder: (Actor actor) => ActorItem(actor: actor),
loadingWidget: Column(
children: const [
height: 20,
Text('Loading actors...')
errorWidget: Column(
children: const [
height: 20,
Text('Error while fetching actors')
asyncListCallback: () async {
await Future.delayed(
const Duration(
milliseconds: 10000,
return actors;
asyncListFilter: (q, list) {
return list
.where((element) =>
emptyWidget: const EmptyView(),
onRefresh: () async {},
onItemSelected: (Actor item) {},
inputDecoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: "Search Actor",
fillColor: Colors.white,
focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: const BorderSide(
width: 1.0,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
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Sliver scroll example #
initialList: actors,
itemBuilder: (Actor user) => UserItem(user: user),
filter: (value) => actors.where((element) =>,).toList(),
emptyWidget: const EmptyView(),
inputDecoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: "Search Actor",
fillColor: Colors.white,
focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: const BorderSide(
width: 1.0,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
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Searchable list with sort widget #
sortWidget: Icon(Icons.sort),
sortPredicate: (a, b) => a.age.compareTo(b.age),
itemBuilder: (item) {
return ActorItem(actor: item);
initialList: actors,
filter: (p0) {
return actors.where((element) =>;
inputDecoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: "Search Actor",
fillColor: Colors.white,
focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: const BorderSide(
width: 1.0,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
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Searchable list with auto closing keyboard when scrolling #
sortWidget: Icon(Icons.sort),
sortPredicate: (a, b) => a.age.compareTo(b.age),
itemBuilder: (item) {
return ActorItem(actor: item);
initialList: actors,
filter: (p0) {
return actors.where((element) =>;
inputDecoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: "Search Actor",
fillColor: Colors.white,
focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: const BorderSide(
width: 1.0,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
closeKeyboardWhenScrolling: true
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Contribution #
Of course the project is open source, and you can contribute to it repository link
If you found a bug, open an issue.
If you have a feature request, open an issue.
If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.
Contributors #
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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