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shumway 4.0.0
A micro library for sending metrics to a FFWD agent.
Python 3.7. Tests pass on 3.7, and 3.8, and on the latest PyPy3 at build-time.
Support for Linux & OS X
To Use
(env) $ pip install shumway
Create a default counter and send to FFWD:
import shumway
mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME)
Initialize a counter with a value
import shumway
mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME)
counter = shumway.Counter(metric_name, SERVICE_NAME, value=10)
mr.set_counter(metric_name, counter)
Different increment values
Create a named counter and increment by a value different than 1:
import shumway
mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME)
mr.incr(METRIC_NAME, 2)
Custom Counter Attributes
Set custom attributes for metrics:
import shumway
mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME)
counter = shumway.counter(metric_name, SERVICE_NAME,
{attr_1: value_1,
attr_2: value_2})
mr.set_counter(metric_name, counter)
NB: If you use duplicate names when calling set_counter it will overwrite the
counter. You will likely want to use a unique metric name for each set of
attributes you are setting.
import shumway
mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME)
timer = mr.timer('timing-this-thing')
with timer:
...task you want to time
Custom Timer Attributes
Timers can also be created independently in order to set custom attributes:
import shumway
mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME)
timer = shumway.Timer('timing-this-thing', SERVICE_NAME,
{'attr_1': value_1, 'attr_2': value_2})
with timer:
# ...task you want to time
mr.set_timer('timing-this-thing', timer)
Interacting with metrics objects
Metric objects (like a timer) themselves have a flush function as well as a as_dict function
import shumway
timer = shumway.Timer('timing-this-thing', SERVICE_NAME,
{'attr_1': value_1, 'attr_2': value_2})
timer_as_dict = timer.as_dict()
timer.flush(lambda dict: do_smth())
Default attributes for non-custom metrics
MetricRelay can create metrics with a common set of attributes as well:
import shumway
attributes = dict(foo='bar')
mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME, default_attributes=attributes)
Resource Identifiers
MetricsRelay and send resource identifiers as well:
import shumway
resources = dict(podname='my_ephemeral_podname')
mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME, default_resources=resources)
For more on resource identifiers see Heroic Documentation
Sending Metrics
There are two ways to send metrics to the ffwd agent:
Emit one metric
You can emit a one-off, event-type metric immediately:
import shumway
mr = shumway.MetricRelay('my-service')
# some event happened
mr.emit('a-successful-event', 1)
# some event happened with attributes
mr.emit('a-successful-event', 1, {'attr_1': value_1, 'attr_2': value_2})
# an event with a multiple value happened
mr.emit('a-successful-event', 5)
Flushing all metrics
For batch-like metrics, you can flush metrics once you're ready:
import shumway
mr = shumway.MetricRelay('my-service')
# measure all the things
# time all the things
if not dry_run:
Existing Metrics
Check for existence of metrics in the MetricRelay with in:
>>> import shumway
>>> mr = shumway.MetricRelay('my-service')
>>> counter = shumway.Counter('thing-to-count', 'my-service', value=5)
>>> mr.set_counter('thing-to-count', counter)
>>> 'thing-to-count' in mr
>>> 'not-a-counter' in mr
Custom FFWD agents
By default, shumway will send metrics to a local ffwd agent at
If your ffwd agent is elsewhere, then pass that information through when initializing the MetricRelay:
import shumway
mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME, ffwd_ip='', ffwd_port=19001)
# do the thing
Sending Metrics via HTTP to FFWD
Instead of via UDP it is also possible to send metrics via HTTP by setting the use_http flag:
import shumway
mr = shumway.MetricRelay(SERVICE_NAME,
The ffwd_host parameter should be the HTTP endpoint and optionally ffwd_path can be set to specify the path.
Remove python3.6 and use python3.7 as a minimum required version
3.0.0 - 3.0.2
Major version bump due to dependency updates and change to supported Python versions.
Positional arguments for Meter(), Counter(), Timer(), and MetricRelay(...).emit() were changed to add resources. If using only named arguments this should not be a problem.
Developer Setup
For development and running tests, your system must have all supported versions of Python installed. We suggest using pyenv.
$ git clone && cd shumway
# make a virtualenv
(env) $ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
Running tests
To run the entire test suite:
# outside of the virtualenv
# if tox is not yet installed
$ pip install tox
$ tox
If you want to run the test suite for a specific version of Python:
# outside of the virtualenv
$ tox -e py37
To run an individual test, call nosetests directly:
# inside virtualenv
(env) $ nosetests test/
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This project adheres to the Open Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to honor this code.
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