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simplecloudflareddns 4.0.0
CloudFlare DDNS
This script will update cloudflare dns with new dynamic ips when the current one changes. Please check the settings.yml file to ensure its correct.
No IPv6 support(My isp does not assing ipv6 address I can not test if this works)
If you wish to conrtbute to this project please check the file.
The scipt can be got at I will be publishing docs on how to use the inbuilt functions. For a quick setup you can use the following commands.
$ cloudflareddns --gen-settings # this will create a file called settings.yml
$ cloudflareddns # this will get record ids
after running this you can run cloudflareddns --ddns to skip getting the record id as it is stored in the settings.yml
You can verify if the settings.yml is correct by running cloudflareddns --verify
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