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simple s3

simple_s3 #
An advance yet simple to use AWS S3 plugin for upload and deletion.
Simple S3 uses AWS Native SDKs for iOS and Android
Getting started #
Add dependency in pubspec.yaml
simple_s3: 0.3.2
Follow @ab_hi_j on Twitter
Features #


Null Safe

Upload Percentage

Supports all files
SimpleS3 auto detects content type of file by looking into extension

Set Access Type
Allows you to set access type of file ex. PublicRead, Private etc Default is Public Read

Turned off by default if turned on allows you to append timestamp in file name. Location of timestamp can be changed to either prefix or suffix Default is prefix

Custom File Name
Allows to change name of file about to upload. Note : File name must contain extension.

Custom S3 folder path
Allows to upload file to specific folder in S3

Sub Region Support
Allows upload/delete operations on S3 having sub regions

Delete Object
Allows deletion of file object

Auto Generates URL
URL pointing to S3 file is auto generated.

Not working in Android Release mode ? #
If your Android app is not working in release mode please check this section

Usage Examples #
Simple File Upload #

// returns url pointing to S3 file

SimpleS3 _simpleS3 = SimpleS3();
String result = await _simpleS3.uploadFile(
file, <--------------- Selected File
bucketName, <--------- Your Bucket Name
poolID, <------------- Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1 <- S3 server region

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Delete #

// returns bool

bool result = await SimpleS3.delete(
filePath, <---------------- S3 File Path
bucketName, <-------------- Your Bucket Name
poolID, <------------------ Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1, <----- S3 server region

// delete also supports sub-regions

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File Upload with Percentage #

// returns url pointing to S3 file

SimpleS3 _simpleS3 = SimpleS3();
//Upload function
String result = await _simpleS3.uploadFile(
file, <--------------- Selected File
bucketName, <--------- Your Bucket Name
poolID, <------------- Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1 <- S3 server region

child: StreamBuilder<dynamic>(
stream: _simpleS3.getUploadPercentage,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
return new Text( != null ? "Uploaded: ${}" : "Simple S3",

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Custom File Name #

// returns url pointing to S3 file

SimpleS3 _simpleS3 = SimpleS3();
String result = await _simpleS3.uploadFile(
file, <------------------------------ Selected File
bucketName, <------------------------ Your Bucket Name
poolID, <---------------------------- Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1, <--------------- S3 server region
fileName: "Dennis_ritchie.jpeg", <--- Custom file name

copied to clipboard
Custom S3 Path #

// returns url pointing to S3 file

SimpleS3 _simpleS3 = SimpleS3();
String result = await _simpleS3.uploadFile(
file, <-------------------------------- Selected File
bucketName, <--------------------------- Your Bucket Name
poolID, <------------------------------- Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1, <------------------ S3 server region
s3FolderPath: "users/profile_pics", <--- Custom S3 path

// final path will be "bucketName/users/profile_pics"

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Setting Access Control #

// returns url pointing to S3 file

SimpleS3 _simpleS3 = SimpleS3();
String result = await _simpleS3.uploadFile(
file, <------------------------------------- Selected File
bucketName, <------------------------------- Your Bucket Name
poolID, <----------------------------------- Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1, <---------------------- S3 server region
accessControl: S3AccessControl.private, <--- Setting access of uploaded file **private**

// S3AccessControl have more types of AccessControl ex. .publicRead, .publicReadWrite etc...

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Using Timestamp #

// returns url pointing to S3 file

SimpleS3 _simpleS3 = SimpleS3();
String result = await _simpleS3.uploadFile(
file, <------------------------------------- Selected File
bucketName, <------------------------------- Your Bucket Name
poolID, <----------------------------------- Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1, <---------------------- S3 server region
useTimeStamp: true, <----------------------- Enable Timestamp

// default location of timestamp is prefix
// if original file name = "Dennis_ritchie.jpeg"
// then the result will be = "1591705658_Dennis_ritchie.jpeg"

// Change Timestamp Location

SimpleS3 _simpleS3 = SimpleS3();
String result = await _simpleS3.uploadFile(
file, <--------------------------------------- Selected File
bucketName, <--------------------------------- Your Bucket Name
poolID, <------------------------------------- Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1, <------------------------ S3 server region
useTimeStamp: true, <------------------------- Enable Timestamp
timeStampLocation: TimestampLocation.suffix,<- Changes timestamp location to suffix
// if original file name = "Dennis_ritchie.jpeg"
// then the result will be = "Dennis_ritchie_1591705658.jpeg"

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Using Sub-Region #

// returns url pointing to S3 file

SimpleS3 _simpleS3 = SimpleS3();
String result = await _simpleS3.uploadFile(
file, <------------------------------------- Selected File
bucketName, <------------------------------- Your Bucket Name
poolID, <----------------------------------- Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1, <---------------------- S3 server region
subRegion: AWSRegions.apNorthEast1 <-------- Sub region

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Debug mode #

// for security reasons plugin uses less logs, to enable full logs -

SimpleS3 _simpleS3 = SimpleS3();
String result = await _simpleS3.uploadFile(
file, <--------------- Selected File
bucketName, <--------- Your Bucket Name
poolID, <------------- Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1 <- S3 server region
debugLog: true, <----- Enable full logs

copied to clipboard
Android Proguard settings for release mode #

// add these lines in your app/build.gradle

minifyEnabled true
useProguard true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'),

buildTypes {
release {
signingConfig signingConfigs.release
minifyEnabled true
useProguard true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'),
copied to clipboard
Now copy contents of this file
Create a new file with name "" at the same location as app/build.gradle and paste the copied contents into this file.
Your release mode APK should work now.


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