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simplerun 0.3.2
Running shell in a Pythonic way.
$ pip install simplerun
>> from simplerun import run
>> r = run('ls -l')
>> r
<[0] `ls -l`>
0 refers to the exit code here.
>> print r.std_out
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 yj staff 664 11 19 21:46
-rw-r--r-- 1 yj staff 829 11 18 22:39
drwxr-xr-x 6 yj staff 204 11 19 21:46 simplerun
Iterable as input
>> with open('') as data:
>> r = run('grep def', data)
>> print(r.std_out)
Result as input
>> r_data = run('ps aux')
>> r = run('grep Chrome', r_data)
>> r = run('ps aux | stranger | grep keyword')
>> r
<[-1] `stranger`>
>> r.exc
OSError(2, 'No such file or directory')
Found the stanger is the evil
>> r.history
[<[0] `ps aux`>]
review history, and keep going with good input:
[['grep', 'keyword']]
>> r2 = run(, '''Good line that contains the keyword
but not this line, sorry.''')
>> print(r2.std_out)
'Good line that contains the keyword\n'
Concurrent & Parallel
>> batches = ['ps', 'top -n 10', 'uptime']
>> r = prun(batches) # paralell running
>> r2 = concurrent_run(batches) # or, running in a concurrent mode
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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