Last updated:
0 purchases
sneakpeek 0.9.0
A python module and a minimalistic server to generate link previews.
What is supported
Any page which supports Open Graph Protocol (which most sane websites do)
Special handling for sites like
Twitter (requires a twitter API key)
Run the following to install
pip install sneakpeek
Usage as a Python Module
From a URL
>>> import sneakpeek
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> link = sneakpeek.SneakPeek("")
>>> link.fetch()
>>> link.is_valid()
>>> pprint(link)
{'description': 'The official video for “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick '
'AstleyTaken from the album ‘Whenever You Need Somebody’ – '
'deluxe 2CD and digital deluxe out 6th May ...',
'domain': '',
'image': '',
'image:height': '720',
'image:width': '1280',
'scrape': False,
'site_name': 'YouTube',
'title': 'Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Official Music Video)',
'type': 'video.other',
'url': '',
'video:height': '720',
'video:secure_url': '',
'video:tag': 'never gonna give you up karaoke',
'video:type': 'text/html',
'video:url': '',
'video:width': '1280'}
>>> link = sneakpeek.SneakPeek(url="")
>>> link.fetch()
>>> pprint(link)
{'description': 'A generalist with multi faceted interests and extensive '
'experience with DevOps, System Design and Full Stack '
'Development. I like blogging about things which interest me, '
'have a niche for optimizing and customizing things to the '
'very last detail, this includes my text editor and operating '
'system alike.',
'domain': '',
'image': '',
'scrape': False,
'title': 'Ameya Shenoy',
'type': 'website',
'url': ''}
Use scrape=True to fetch data using scraping instead of relying on open graph tags
>>> link = sneakpeek.SneakPeek(url="", scrape=True)
>>> link.fetch()
>>> pprint(link)
{'description': '',
'domain': '',
'image': 'y18.gif',
'scrape': True,
'title': 'WireGuard as VPN Server on Kubernetes with AdBlocking | Hacker News',
'type': 'other',
'url': ''}
>>> HTML = """
... <html xmlns:og="">
... <head>
... <title>The Rock (1996)</title>
... <meta property="og:title" content="The Rock" />
... <meta property="og:description" content="The Rock: Directed by Michael Bay. With Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, Ed Harris, John Spencer. A mild-mannered chemist and an ex-con must lead the counterstrike when a rogue group of military men, led by a renegade general, threaten a nerve gas attack from Alcatraz against San Francisco.">
... <meta property="og:type" content="movie" />
... <meta property="og:url" content="" />
... <meta property="og:image" content="">
... </head>
... </html>
... """
>>> movie = sneakpeek.SneakPeek(html=HTML)
>>> movie.is_valid()
>>> pprint(movie)
{'description': 'The Rock: Directed by Michael Bay. With Sean Connery, Nicolas '
'Cage, Ed Harris, John Spencer. A mild-mannered chemist and an '
'ex-con must lead the counterstrike when a rogue group of '
'military men, led by a renegade general, threaten a nerve gas '
'attack from Alcatraz against San Francisco.',
'domain': None,
'image': '',
'scrape': False,
'title': 'The Rock',
'type': 'movie',
'url': ''}
Usage as a Server
A simple server using FastAPI and uvicorn is used to serve the requests.
sneekpeek serve
You can view the docs at http://localhost:9000/docs
Usage as a CLI
sneakpeek preview --url "" | jq
"domain": "",
"scrape": false,
"url": "",
"title": "codingCoffee - Overview",
"type": "profile",
"image": "",
"description": "Automate anything and everything 🙋♂️. codingCoffee has 68 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.",
"error": null,
"image:alt": "Automate anything and everything 🙋♂️. codingCoffee has 68 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.",
"site_name": "GitHub"
As a Server
docker run -it --rm -p 9000:9000 codingcoffee/sneakpeek -- serve --host
As a CLI
docker run -it --rm -p 9000:9000 codingcoffee/sneakpeek -- preview --url ""
Sign up for a developer account on twitter here
Create an app
Add the following variables as ENV vars
pip install -U poetry
git clone
cd sneakpeek
poetry install
Running Tests
poetry run pytest
Tested Websites
Business Insider
Instagram (using instagram-scraper)
CI/CD for publishing to PyPi
Have better suggestions to optimize the server image? Found some typos? Need special handling for a new website? Found a bug? Go ahead and create an Issue! Contributions of any kind welcome!
Want to work on a TODO? Its always a good idea to talk about what are going to do before you actually start it, so frustration can be avoided.
Some rules for coding:
Use the code style the project uses
For each feature, make a seperate branch, so it can be reviewed separately
Use commits with a good description, so everyone can see what you did
The code in this repository has been released under the MIT License
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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