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sodium libs

sodium_libs #

Flutter companion package to sodium that provides the low-level libsodium binaries
for easy use.

This project is tested with BrowserStack.

Table of contents #




Table of contents generated with markdown-toc
Features #

Extends sodium for Flutter with binaries
Easy, effort-less initialization on all major flutter platforms (Android, iOS, Linux, Windows, macOS, Web)
Binaries are either directly included or automatically downloaded/built at compile time

Note: This package only handles the libsodium binaries for each supported platform and provides them to
sodium. Check the documentation of that package for more details about the actual
Installation #
Simply add sodium_libs to your pubspec.yaml and run pub get (or flutter pub get).
Web #
When working with flutter for web, an additional install step is needed, as for web, the JS-library cannot directly be
bundled with the library. For it to work, sodium.js must be added to the
project. You can do this automatically by running the following command in every new project.
flutter pub run sodium_libs:update_web [--sumo] [--no-edit-index] [<target_directory>]
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The --sumo parameter is optional. If specified, the Sumo-Variant of sodium.js will be downloaded. It is bigger in
size, but contains all APIs. With the non-sumo version, you can only use SodiumInit.init, which should suffice for
most usecases. However, if you need access to the SodiumSumo-APIs and thus need to invoke SodiumSumoInit.init, you
have to make sure to add this parameter.
By default, the index.html is modified to automatically load the sodium.js before the flutter app starts. This leads
to a faster initialization of the app and allows debugging. To disable this behavior, you can set the --no-edit-index
Finally, if your web project files are for whatever reason not located in the web directory, you can set a custom
Linux #
When working with linux, you can optionally decide to use pkg-config for resolving libsodium instead of using the
bundled library. This will cause the linux build to link against the system library instead of the embedded one,
providing it is installed.
To enable this mode, simply set the LIBSODIUM_USE_PKGCONFIG environment variable to anything but an empty value
before compiling. Example:
flutter clean # recommended to ensure no build artifacts are cached
flutter build linux
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Usage #
The API can be consumed in the exact same way as the sodium package. The only difference is, that sodium_libs
simplifies the initialization of that package. To initialize it, simply do the following:
import 'package:sodium_libs/sodium_libs.dart';

// when used before rendering the first frame:

final sodium = await SodiumInit.init();
// You now have a Sodium instance, see sodium package to continue
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In case you want to use the SodiumSumo APIs, use the following instead. Also, remember to initialize web projects with
--sumo, as otherwise the initialization will fail.
import 'package:sodium_libs/sodium_libs_sumo.dart';

// when used before rendering the first frame:

final sodium = await SodiumSumoInit.init();
// You now have a SodiumSumo instance, see sodium package to continue
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See (Sodium vs SodiumSumo)[]
for more details on the differences between those two variants.
Documentation #
The documentation is available at A full example can be found at


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