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solana rpc sdk flutter
Access Solana RPC API through Dart SDK, the style completely imitates the original design, easy to use, and helps your Flutter application connect to the Solana blockchain!
Features #
Solana RPC API for Dart SDK.
Getting started #
Usage #
final api = SolanaRpcApi(clusterApiUrl(Cluster.mainnetBeta), '7jrFHLtDxAqPsc3S7nd3F1wAc99xqkD9wuQ38JtdMoej');
final tokenAccountsByOwner = await api.getTokenAccountsByOwner();
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More example see []
Additional information #
TODO: Tell users more about the package: where to find more information, how to
contribute to the package, how to file issues, what response they can expect
from the package authors, and more.
✅ getAccountInfo
✅ getBalance
[] getBlock
[] getBlockHeight
[] getBlockProduction
[] getBlockCommitment
[] getBlocks
[] getBlocksWithLimit
[] getBlockTime
[] getClusterNodes
[] getEpochInfo
[] getEpochSchedule
[] getFeeForMessage
[] getFirstAvailableBlock
[] getGenesisHash
[] getHealth
[] getHighestSnapshotSlot
[] getIdentity
[] getInflationGovernor
[] getInflationRate
[] getInflationReward
[] getLargestAccounts
[] getLatestBlockhash
[] getLeaderSchedule
[] getMaxRetransmitSlot
[] getMaxShredInsertSlot
[] getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption
[] getMultipleAccounts
[] getProgramAccounts
[] getRecentPerformanceSamples
[] getSignaturesForAddress
[] getSignatureStatuses
[] getSlot
[] getSlotLeader
[] getSlotLeaders
[] getStakeActivation
✅ getSupply
✅ getTokenAccountBalance
[] getTokenAccountsByDelegate
✅ getTokenAccountsByOwner
[] getTokenLargestAccounts
[] getTokenSupply
✅ getTransaction
✅ getTransactionCount
✅ getVersion
✅ getVoteAccounts
[] isBlockhashValid
✅ minimumLedgerSlot
✅ requestAirdrop
[] sendTransaction
[] simulateTransaction
publish #
dart pub publish --dry-run
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