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Squadron - Multithreading and worker pools in Dart #
Offload CPU-bound and long running tasks and give your mobile and Web apps some air!

Table of Contents #

Highly Recommended
Flutter Demo
Getting Started

Code generation with squadron_builder

Remarks on Isolates / Web Workers

Channels, Types, and Browser Platforms
Marshaling data with squadron_builder
Note on package:json_annotation

Scaling Options
Worker Cooperation

Local Workers

Task Cancellation

Cancellation Tokens

Logging & Debug Mode

Highly recommended #
With squadron_builder, any stateless Dart class can be automatically turned into a service running on dedicated threads.
Stay focus on implementing your service, and let squadron_builder generate the boilerplate code to run it on native Isolates as well as Web Workers!
Flutter Demo #
A demo is available from GitHub: squadron_sample. It provides a Flutter App running on native and browser platforms, showcasing Squadron integration with Flutter. Some of the service workers rely on squadron_builder but others take the manual approach to better understand how things integrate together.
Another demo including code generation is available at GitHub: flutter_mandel_squadron. This sample is a fork from GitHub: flutter_mandel by escamoteur, which originally runs on native platforms only. With Squadron, the sample also runs in Web browsers!
Features #
Worker: a base worker class managing a platform thread (Isolate or Web Worker) and the communication between clients and workers.
WorkerPool<W>: a worker pool for W workers. The number of workers is configurable as well as the degree of concurrent workloads distributed to workers in the pool. Tasks posted to the worker pool can be cancelled.
Getting Started #
Import squadron from your pubspec.yaml file:
squadron: ^5.0.0
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Usage #
The basic idea behind Squadron is to wrap a set of service methods in a cross-platform Worker, enabling seamless access to the service API from both Native and Browser platforms.
To implement this pattern, Squadron provides a base WorkerService class to inherit from and implement the functionality to execute in threads, as well as all the plumbing to bootstrap the service in a platform worker and proxy service calls between the app's main event loop and the workers. This approach enables reusing the code in different scenarios: called directly from the app's main event loop, called from unit tests, or wrapped in a native Isolate or in a Web Worker.
The example below implements a SampleService with a synchronous cpu() method and an asynchronous io() method. The service inherits from WorkerService and must implement the operations map. This collection is essentially a dispatcher used to map service command ids with actual command handlers. Squadron uses this map in platform workers to serve worker requests. The command handlers provided in this map are responsible for retrieving arguments from the WorkerRequest message and providing them to the service method.
class SampleService implements WorkerService {
Future io({required int milliseconds}) =>
Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: milliseconds));

void cpu({required int milliseconds}) {
final sw = Stopwatch()..start();
while (sw.elapsedMilliseconds < milliseconds) {/* cpu */}

// command IDs
static const ioCommand = 1;
static const cpuCommand = 2;

// command IDs --> command implementations
Map<int, CommandHandler> get operations => {
ioCommand: (WorkerRequest r) => io(milliseconds: r.args[0]),
cpuCommand: (WorkerRequest r) => cpu(milliseconds: r.args[0]),
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The rest is a matter of connecting the service class with platform workers. The following code explains step by step how to assemble the service class with workers and worker pools. In practice, this is just boilerplate code that can be generated using Squadron's annotations together with Squadron's codegen companion package squadron_builder. The code generation approach should be prefered; for more details, see Code generation with squadron_builder.
The sample worker class extends Squadron's Worker class and uses the SampleService class as a contract. The resulting worker can then be used in Dart Isolates as well as Web Workers.
class SampleWorker extends Worker implements SampleService {
SampleWorker(EntryPoint entryPoint, {List args = const []})
: super(entryPoint, args: args);

Future io({required int milliseconds}) =>
send(SampleService.ioCommand, [milliseconds]);

Future cpu({required int milliseconds}) =>
send(SampleService.cpuCommand, [milliseconds]);
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Starting with Squadron 3, the implementation of platform worker's main program is simplified with the run() function. This function takes two arguments:

first, a WorkerService initializer responsible for creating the service to be used by the platform worker.
second, a WorkerRequest that will enable setting up the service; this argument is not used for Browser platform but it is required in native scenarios where it must be set to the Isolate's main program parameter.

Here is the code for:

a native worker running in an Isolate:

SampleWorker createVmSampleWorker() => SampleWorker(_main);

// Isolate entry-point.
// It must be a top level function or static method accepting a Map (Squadron < 5.0.0) or a List (Squadron >= 5.0.0) argument.
// The argument passed to the entry-point must be passed to the run() function.
void _main(List command) => run((startRequest) => SampleService(), command);
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a browser worker running in a Web Worker:

SampleWorker createJsSampleWorker() => SampleWorker('sample_worker_js.dart.js');

// Web Worker main program.
// It must be a parameter-less "main()" function.
void main() => run((startRequest) => SampleService());
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Using a WorkerPool, you are now able to distribute your workloads:
var pool = WorkerPool(createVmSampleWorker, maxWorkers: 4, maxParallel: 2); /* native version */
// var pool = WorkerPool(createJsSampleWorker, maxWorkers: 4, maxParallel: 2); /* browser version */
await pool.start();

var n = 42;
var cpuResult = await pool.execute((w) => w.cpu(milliseconds: n));
var ioResult = await pool.execute((w) => w.io(milliseconds: n));
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Code generation with squadron_builder #
To simplify the developer experience, Squadron provides annotations leveraged by squadron_builder to automatically generate the code for workers and worker pools. As a result, developers need to focus on functionality only, leaving plumbing and bootstrapping aspects to squadron_builder.
part 'sample_service.worker.g.dart';

class SampleService {
Future io({required int milliseconds}) =>
Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: milliseconds));

Future cpu({required int milliseconds}) async {
final sw = Stopwatch()..start();
while (sw.elapsedMilliseconds < milliseconds) {/* cpu */}
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Remarks on Isolates / Web Workers #
While Isolates enable multithreading in Dart applications, several aspects must be taken into account:

Creating an Isolate can be an expensive process.

Isolate threads are still based on an event loop, processing asynchronous tasks/callbacks one by one.

Isolates do not share memory; in particular, global contexts are not shared across Isolates and may have to be initialized multiple times thus increasing the application's memory footprint and startup time.

Communicating with an Isolate invoves marshaling data in and out; theoretically, only primitive types (num, String, bool, null...), List/Map of primitive types and some specific types like SendPort are supported. However, most object instances may be sent across Isolates on native platforms (instances will still be copied).

Web Workers have similar characteristics but only primitive types and objects implementing Transferable can be sent across Web Worker boundaries.
Communication across threads does not come for free, and some experiments have found that using jsonEncode() may actually be more efficient when sending large data sets (e.g. a List containing many Maps) even with the overhead of calling jsonDecode() on the receiving end. This is especially true on Web platforms because Dart's implementation of postMessage involves converting Dart objects to native JavaScript objects. These objects will then be cloned by the browser.
Channels, Types, and Browser Platforms #
To provide a cross-platform development experience, Squadron encapsulates Isolates and Web Workers as well as the means to communicate between the main app's code and the code they execute. This is achieved via the Channel class.

Channel enables data exchange between threads and inherits the constraints of the target platforms, in particular the type system. Dart Native platforms will typically be quite relaxed when communicating between threads, even allowing custom Dart objects to come through.
But JavaScript will not be so forgiving because JavaScript doesn't know about Dart types.
To transfer a custom object, it must be serialized on the sender end and deserialized on the receiver end. There are several ways of serializing a custom object, e.g. JSON structure holding the object's attributes, or String/binary representation of the object...
However, when the data to be transfered hits the browser's Web Worker implementation, only basic type information (number, boolean, string, array or map) is retained. In particular, generic types sent from one side will not be received with the same generic type on the other end. For instance, when a sending a List<String> or a Map<String, dynamic> to a service worker, browser platforms will provide the data to the worker service as a bare List (= List<dynamic>) or a bare Map (= Map<dynamic, dynamic>). This is an important point to ensure your app will happily run on browsers.
Serialization and deserialization should be done as close to the Channel as possible, typically when calling the send method or when receiving data in the operations map.
For example, suppose we have the following service definition, processing ServiceRequest messages from callers and replying with ServiceResponse objects:
abstract class ServiceDefinition {
FutureOr<ServiceResponse> serviceMethod(ServiceRequest request);

static const cmdServiceMethod = 1;

class ServiceResponse {
static ServiceResponse deserialize(dynamic result) {
// deserialize "result", knowing it was produced by serialize()
// or call the code produced by package:json_annotation with anyMap = true

dynamic serialize() {
// serialize using only base types or simple List/Map
// or call the code produced by package:json_annotation with anyMap = true

class ServiceRequest {
static ServiceRequest deserialize(dynamic result) {
// deserialize "result", knowing it was produced by serialize()
// or call the code produced by package:json_annotation with anyMap = true

dynamic serialize() {
// serialize using only base types or simple List/Map
// or call the code produced by package:json_annotation with anyMap = true
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Then the approach below is a generic way to send/receive the ServiceRequest/ServiceResponse messages via Squadron:
class ServiceImplementation implements ServiceDefinition {
ServiceResponse serviceMethod(ServiceRequest request) {
// process the request and produce the response

// in the operations map, deserialize argument and serialize result

late final Map<int, CommandHandler> operations = {
ServiceDefinition.cmdServiceMethod: (WorkerRequest r) =>
ServiceRequest.deserialize(r.args[0]) // deserialize ServiceRequest
).serialize(); // serialize ServiceResponse

class ServiceWorker extends Worker implements ServiceDefinition {

// in the worker overrides, serialize argument and deserialize result

ServiceResponse serviceMethod(ServiceRequest request) async =>
ServiceResponse.deserialize( // deserialize ServiceResponse
await send(
[ request.serialize() ] // serialize ServiceRequest

class ServiceWorkerPool extends WorkerPool<ServiceWorker> implements ServiceDefinition {
ServiceWorkerPool(EntryPoint entryPoint, ConcurrencySettings concurrencySettings)
: super(() => ServiceWorker(entryPoint),
concurrencySettings: concurrencySettings);

// nothing to do in the service pool, the service worker and service implementation
// take care of all serialization aspects

Future<ServiceResponse> serviceMethod(ServiceRequest request) =>
execute((w) => w.serviceMethod(request));
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Marshaling data with squadron_builder #
Serialization/deserialization aspects can be delegated to squadron_builder in several ways:

service methods and parameters may be decorated with @SerializeWith(marshaler) to explicitly set the class responsible for marshaling/unmarshaling return values/arguments through platform channels. marshaler must be a class (with a const constructor) deriving from SquadronMarshaler<T, S> or a constant instance of such a class, where T is the type of the service method return value or parameter and S the type used for transit. For instance, data could be transported as bytes like in the following example:

class DataService {

FutureOr<Data> doSomething(@SerializeWith(DataMarshaler) Data input) =>
Data(input.a + 1, !input.b, '(was $input)');

class Data {
Data(this.a, this.b, this.c);

final int a; // 32-bits
final bool b;
final String c;

String toString() => 'a=$a, b=$b, c=$c';

class DataMarshaler extends SquadronMarshaler<Data, Uint8List> {
const DataMarshaler();

Uint8List marshal(Data payload) {
final str = utf8.encode(payload.c);
final buffer = Uint8List(4 + 1 + str.length);
_writeInt(buffer, 0, payload.a);
buffer[4] = payload.b ? 1 : 0;
buffer.setRange(5 /* = 4 + 1 */, buffer.length, str);
return buffer;

Data unmarshal(Uint8List buffer) {
final a = _readInt(buffer, 0);
final b = (buffer[4] != 0);
final c = utf8.decode(buffer.skip(5).toList());
return Data(a, b, c);

static void _writeInt(Uint8List buffer, int pos, int value) {
buffer[pos ] = (value & 0xFF000000)>>24;
buffer[pos+1] = (value & 0x00FF0000)>>16;
buffer[pos+2] = (value & 0x0000FF00)>>8;
buffer[pos+3] = (value & 0x000000FF);

static int _readInt(Uint8List buffer, int pos) =>
(buffer[pos]<<24) | (buffer[pos+1]<<16)
| (buffer[pos+2]<<8) | buffer[pos+3];
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return value/parameter classes may also implement their own marshal()/unmarshal() methods. If no @SerializeWith() annotation is present, these methods will be used for marshaling/unmarshaling data through platform channels, like in the following example:

class DataService {

FutureOr<Data> doSomething(Data input) =>
Data(input.a + 1, !input.b, '(was $input)');

class Data {
Data(this.a, this.b, this.c);

final int a; // 32-bits
final bool b;
final String c;

String toString() => 'a=$a, b=$b, c=$c';

Uint8List marshal() {
final str = utf8.encode(c);
final buffer = Uint8List(4 + 1 + str.length);
_writeInt(buffer, 0, a);
buffer[4] = b ? 1 : 0;
buffer.setRange(5 /* = 4 + 1 */, buffer.length, str);
return buffer;

Data.unmarshal(Uint8List buffer)
: a = _readInt(buffer, 0),
b = (buffer[4] != 0),
c = utf8.decode(buffer.skip(5).toList());

static void _writeInt(Uint8List buffer, int pos, int value) {
buffer[pos ] = (value & 0xFF000000)>>24;
buffer[pos+1] = (value & 0x00FF0000)>>16;
buffer[pos+2] = (value & 0x0000FF00)>>8;
buffer[pos+3] = (value & 0x000000FF);

static int _readInt(Uint8List buffer, int pos) =>
(buffer[pos]<<24) | (buffer[pos+1]<<16)
| (buffer[pos+2]<<8) | buffer[pos+3];
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alternatively, squadron_builder will consider toJson()/fromJson() methods (which could be generated eg. with json_serializable). When applicable, custom-typed members must also be taken into account and serialized/deserialized.

class DataService {

FutureOr<Data> doSomething(Data input) =>
Data(input.a + 1, !input.b, '(was $input)');

class Data {
Data(this.a, this.b, this.c);

final int a; // 32-bits
final bool b;
final String c;

String toString() => 'a=$a, b=$b, c=$c';

Map toJson() => {'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c};

static Data fromJson(Map json) => Data(json['a'], json['b'], json['c']);
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These approaches must comply with the following invariants to ensure that data sent through a channel is received on the other side as a clone that is functionally equivalent to the original data:

with marshaler M: the output of M.marshal(M.unmarshal(data)) must be functionally equivalent to the original data.
with marshal()/unmarshal() methods: the output of Data.unmarshal(data.marshal()) must be functionally equivalent to the original data.
with toJson()/fromJson() methods: the output of Data.fromJson(data.toJson()) must be functionally equivalent to the original data.

Note on package:json_annotation #
Packages such as json_annotation / json_serializable can be used to generate the serialization and deserialization code for custom classes. By default, objects will be serialized to / deserialized from Map<String, dynamic> data structures.
In Browser scenarios, this will lead to errors as the Map<String, dynamic> structures lose their strong types when they get processed by the browser.
Luckily, json_annotation provides the anyMap option to control code generation: by setting anyMap to true, the code builders from json_serializable will handle JSON objects as Map instead of Map<String, dynamic>.
On Web platforms, setting anyMap to true is mandatory for classes that are transferred to/from Squadron workers.
Scaling Options #
Squadron pools manage a collection of workers to avoid the cost of creating a new platform worker each time. Squadron also implements a simple load-balancing mechanism and posts new tasks to workers that are most available (i.e. those with the minimum workload, provided workload < maxParallel). Tasks in Squadron do not have a priority and will be handled in the order they were received.
Depending on the type of processing, scaling tasks with Squadron can be achieved horizontally (adding new workers) or vertically (distributing more tasks to workers).

For pure CPU-bound tasks, e.g. image/video or other heavy data processing, increasing the maxParallel pool option is likely to NOT yield any benefit for performance. If the event loop is already busy executing a task, subsequent task requests posted to the Worker will not be handled before the executing task is complete. As a result, CPU-bound tasks will be queued and scaling CPU workloads can only be achieved by adding more workers to the pool (horizontal scaling).

For I/O bound tasks, performance benefits are less obvious. However, if processing requires many I/O operations, offloading such tasks to a worker pool is likely to be beneficial because I/O callbacks will be registered with the platform worker's event loop. This scenario can be interesting in Web application back-ends to make the main event loop more available for other incoming requests -- simple requests e.g. CRUD operations can be fully handled by the main event loop while more complex, long-running, I/O-bound tasks will be processed off the Web app's main event loop. Scaling such tasks can be achieved by increasing the maxParallel (vertical scaling) or maxWorkers (horizontal scaling) pool options. In I/O scenarios, vertical scaling should be preferred.

Worker Cooperation #
It is possible to implement some kind of worker cooperation and support more complex scenarios.
For instance, the fact that Isolates and Web Workers do not share memory means it may be cumbersome to implement a local, in-memory cache at worker level. Each worker would have their own cache, making expiration and update propagation difficult to implement.
Such a cache can however be implemented as a Singleton, communicating with other workers by sharing its Channel property (Channel objects can be sent across platform workers via the serialize() method).
An example is provided in cache_worker.dart. To access the cache API seamlessly, an abstract class is first defined:
abstract class Cache {
FutureOr<dynamic> get(dynamic key);
FutureOr<bool> containsKey(dynamic key);
FutureOr set(dynamic key, dynamic value, {Duration? timeToLive});
FutureOr<CacheStat> getStats();
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A cache service is then implemented (internal details skipped, please refer to the example source code). Note that the CacheService implementation can be synchronous.
class CacheService implements Cache, WorkerService {
dynamic get(dynamic key) {
// retrieve the value associated for the specified key
// return null if key is not in cache or if the key has expired

bool containsKey(dynamic key) {
// use get() as it implements the expiration logic
return get(key) != null;

void set(dynamic key, dynamic value, {Duration? timeToLive}) {
// cache the value with the specified key and TTL

CacheStat getStats() {
// return cache stats

// command IDs
static const getOperation = 1;
static const containsOperation = 2;
static const setOperation = 3;
static const statsOperation = 4;

// command handlers
Map<int, CommandHandler> get operations => {
getOperation: (WorkerRequest r) => get(r.args[0]),
containsOperation: (WorkerRequest r) => containsKey(r.args[0]),
setOperation: (WorkerRequest r) => set(r.args[0], r.args[1],
timeToLive: (r.args[2] == null) ? null : Duration(microseconds: r.args[2])),
statsOperation: (WorkerRequest r) => getStats().serialize()
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The CacheWorker is easy:
class CacheWorker extends Worker implements Cache {
CacheWorker(EntryPoint entryPoint, {List args = const []})
: super(entryPoint, args: args);

Future<dynamic> get(dynamic key) => send(CacheService.getOperation, [key]);

Future<bool> containsKey(dynamic key) =>
send(CacheService.containsOperation, [key]);

Future set(dynamic key, dynamic value, {Duration? timeToLive}) {
assert(value != null); // null means not in cache; cannot store null
return send(CacheService.setOperation, [key, value, timeToLive?.inMicroseconds]);

Future<CacheStat> getStats() async =>
CacheStat.deserialize(await send(CacheService.statsOperation));
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Note how getStats() implementations require serialization/deserialization of the CacheStat object. This is necessary to cross platform worker boundaries.
Finally, a cache client is implemented to proxy calls from other workers to the CacheWorker. This CacheClient can be constructed with a Channel that will be obtained from the CacheWorker.
class CacheClient implements Cache {

final Channel _remote;

Future<dynamic> get(dynamic key) =>
_remote.sendRequest(CacheService.getOperation, [key]);

Future<bool> containsKey(dynamic key) =>
_remote.sendRequest(CacheService.containsOperation, [key]);

Future set(dynamic key, dynamic value, {Duration? timeToLive}) {
assert(value != null); // null means not in cache; cannot store null
return _remote.sendRequest(
CacheService.setOperation, [key, value, timeToLive?.inMicroseconds]);

Future<CacheStat> getStats() async {
=> CacheStat.deserialize(
await _remote.sendRequest(CacheService.statsOperation, []));
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The following service is an example for a computation leveraging the shared cache. Its constructor takes a Cache parameter.
class OtherService implements WorkerService {

final Cache? _cache;

// some service method
Future<int> compute(int n) async {
// check cache
int? result = await _cache?.get(n);
if (result != null) {
// cache hit
return n;
// otherwise compute
// ...
// finally, cache (dont await) and return
cache?.set(n, result);
return result!;

// some command ids
static const computeCommand = 1;

Map<int, CommandHandler> get operations => {
// the comand handlers for the command ids
computeCommand: (r) => compute(r.args[0])
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The OtherWorker implementation is straightforward:
class OtherWorker extends Worker implements OtherService {
OtherWorker(EntryPoint entryPoint, {List args = const []})
: super(entryPoint, args: args);

Future<int> compute(int n) => send<int>(OtherService.computeCommand, [n]);

// other proxy service methods...

final Cache? _cache = null;
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The platform worker assembles everything. It is essentially the same as above, with some extra initialization code to set up a CacheClient and provide it to the CacheService.
To create a CacheClient from within the platform worker, the CacheWorker's Channel must be passed to the OtherWorker. This is done using the share() and the serialize() methods provided by Channel. These methods will return an opaque object that can be safely sent across workers and deserialized to recreate a Channel, thereby bridging the gap between the OtherService instances and the CacheService Singleton.
OtherWorker createOtherWorker([CacheWorker? cache]) =>
OtherWorker(_main, args: [cache?.channel?.share().serialize()]);

void _main(Map command) {
run((startRequest) {
final cacheEndPoint = startRequest.args.isEmpty
? null
: Channel.deserialize(startRequest.args[0]);
Cache? cache = (cacheEndPoint == null) ? null : CacheClient(cacheEndPoint);
return OtherService(cache);
}, command);
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The application's main program is responsible for:

setting up the CacheWorker Singleton
setting up a pool of OtherWorkers and making sure the worker factory function receives the CacheWorker Singleton.

final cacheWorker = CacheWorker();
await cacheWorker.start();

final pool = WorkerPool(() => createOtherWorker(cacheWorker), minWorkers: 2, maxWorkers: 5);
await pool.start();
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Architecture Diagram

+--> | CacheWorker singleton | <--+
| +-----------------------+ |
| |
+-------------------+ | +----------------+ [4]
| main program | --[1]--+ +----> | otherWorker #1 | |
| ---------------- | | | -------------- | |
[2] OtherWorker pool | --[3]--+ | | cacheClient #1 | ---|
+-------------------+ | | +----------------+ |
+----| |
| +----------------+ |
+----> | otherWorker #2 | |
| -------------- | |
| cacheClient #2 | ---+

1: the main program first spawns a CacheWorker
2: the main program creates a pool of OtherWorkers, making sure the CacheWorker Singleton is advertized to OtherWorkers when they are created
3: the pool creates new OtherWorkers as workload builds up, instantiating cache clients bound to the CacheWorker's Channel
4: OtherWorkers query the CacheWorker via their local CacheClient to avoid expensive computations that have been done already
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Starting with Squadron 3.3, the design for a shared cache could be based on a LocalWorker for the CacheWorker. However if the cache is often used from workers, it would increase the load on the main thread's event loop and may impact the user experience.
Local Workers #
Squadron 3.3 introduces LocalWorker, a Woker-like class running in the same thread as its owner. The main idea behind LocalWorker is to enable executing code in the context of the owner thread such as a the main thread in a Flutter app, thereby giving access to Flutter APIs. In this scenario, it is important to note that the LocalWorker will use the event loop of the main app. As a result, if the load on the LocalWorker is high enough, it could impact the responsiveness of the application.
The implementation of a LocalWorker follows the same principles as for a Worker. Start by implementing a WorkerService with the logic you want to expose:
// The service interface
abstract class IdentityService implements WorkerService {
FutureOr<String> whoAreYou();

static const whoAreYouCommand = 1;

// The service implementation
class IdentityServiceImpl extends IdentityService {
String whoAreYou() {
return Squadron.id;

late final Map<int, CommandHandler> operations = {
IdentityService.whoAreYouCommand: (req) => whoAreYou(),
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To allow other workers to communicate with the LocalWorker, a LocalWorkerClient must be implemented. The client will be passed a Channel obtained from the LocalWorker, and simply forwards commands to the LocalWorker.
// The service client: this class will be used in workers that need to call the service implementation
class IdentityClient extends LocalWorkerClient implements IdentityService {
IdentityClient(Channel channel) : super(channel);

Future<String> whoAreYou() =>
send(IdentityService.whoAreYouCommand, []);
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Next, we have the code for the real Worker that will be using the LocalWorker. Typically, it is based on a WorkerService, for instance:
abstract class MyWorkerService {
FutureOr<String> whoAreYouTalkingTo();

static const whoAreYouTalkingToCommand = 1;

class MyWorkerServiceImpl implements MyWorkerService, WorkerService {

final IdentityClient _identityClient;

Future<String> whoAreYouTalkingTo() async {
// this is where the local worker is called
final localWorkerIdentity = await _identityClient.whoAreYou();
return 'I am ${Squadron.id}, and I am talking to $localWorkerIdentity.';

late final Map<int, CommandHandler> operations = {
MyWorkerService.whoAreYouTalkingToCommand: (WorkerRequest r) => whoAreYouTalkingTo()

class MyWorker extends Worker implements MyWorkerService {
MyWorker(EntryPoint entryPoint, {, List args = const []})
: super(entryPoint, args: args);

Future<String> whoAreYouTalkingTo() =>
send(MyWorkerService.whoAreYouTalkingToCommand, []);
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The code to fire up the workers in browser and VM worlds need to get the Channel from the LocalWorker, so we will pass the local worker to the functions that instantiate MyWorker. The channel is obtained by calling the share() method then passed on to MyWorker via the args parameter where it must be serialized to cross platform thread boundaries. This array will be received by the platform worker thread at startup via the startRequest argument:


MyWorker createMyWorker(LocalWorker<IdentityService> identityServer) {
return MyWorker(_start, args: [identityServer.channel?.share().serialize()]);

void _start(List command) => run((startRequest) {
// startRequest.args[0] contains the channel shared from the local worker
final channel = Channel.deserialize(startRequest.args[0])!;
final identityClient = IdentityClient(channel);
return MyWorkerServiceImpl(identityClient);
}, command);
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MyWorker createMyWorker(LocalWorker<SizeService> identityServer) {
return MyWorker('/my_worker.dart.js', args: [identityServer.channel?.share().serialize()]);

void main() => run((startRequest) {
// startRequest.args[0] contains the channel shared from the local worker
final channel = Channel.deserialize(startRequest.args[0])!;
final identityClient = IdentityClient(channel);
return MyWorkerServiceImpl(identityClient);
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And that's it! The final step is to bind everything together, for instance in the main program:
void main() {

final identityServer = LocalWorker<IdentityService>.create(IdentityServiceImpl());


try {
final worker = createMyWorker(identityServer);
print(await worker.whoAreYouTalkingTo());
} finally {
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Note: the LocalWorker must be stopped to stop the program.
Architecture Diagram

+--> | MyWorker |
| | -------------- |
| | identityClient | --+
+------------------+ | +----------------+ |
| main program | --[2]--+ [3]
| --------------- | |
[1] identityServer | <--------------------------------+

1: the main program first creates a LocalWorker<IdentityService>
2: the main program spawns a MyWorker, providing it with the LocalWorker<IdentityService> it has just created
3: MyWorker will call into the LocalWorker running in the main thread via its LocalWorkerClient
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Task Cancellation #
Tasks registered with the worker pool may be cancelled by calling pool.cancel(). A CancelledException will be raised (for value tasks: the future completes with an error) or emitted (for streaming tasks: the stream will emit an error) for each cancelled task. Tasks still pending will fail immediately; tasks already executing when the cancel() method is called will either complete (value task) or emit an exception (streaming tasks).
It should be noted that implementations relying on pool.cancel() will not notify platform workers about the cancellation. Tasks that have been assigned to a platform worker will continue executing until they complete. As a result, a value task already executing cannot be cancelled this way: it will complete and return a value. The situation is slightly different for a streaming task: while it will report cancellation in the main event loop, streaming will continue in the platform worker's event loop.
final future = pool.execute((w) => w.computeData());
final stream = pool.stream((w) => w.streamData());

// no async suspension means Squadron did not have any chance to schedule any task
// as a result this cancellation request will cancel both tasks

(value) => print('received value: $value'), // will not be called
onError: (e) => print('received error: $e')); // receives a CancelledException

final result = await future; // throws a CancelledException
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final future = pool.execute((w) => w.computeData());
final stream = pool.stream((w) => w.streamData());

// asynchronous suspension gives Squadron a chance to schedule some tasks
Future(() => null);

// depending on concurrency settings, this cancellation request should cancel the stream task
// however the value task should have been scheduled and should complete

(value) => print('received value: $value'), // may be called for a few values
onError: (e) => print('received error: $e')); // will receive a CancelledException

final result = await future; // should get the task's result
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It is also possible to schedule and cancel individual tasks, eg.:
final valueTask = pool.scheduleTask((w) => w.computeData());
final streamTask = pool.scheduleStream((w) => w.streamData());

// no async suspension means Squadron could not schedule any task

streamTask.cancel(); // or pool.cancel(streamTask)
(value) => print('received value: $value'), // will not be called
onError: (e) => print('received error: $e')); // receives a CancelledException

valueTask.cancel(); // or pool.cancel(valueTask)
final result = await valueTask.value; // throws a CancelledException
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final valueTask = pool.scheduleTask((w) => w.computeData());
final streamTask = pool.scheduleStream((w) => w.streamData());

// no async suspension means Squadron did not have any chance to schedule any task
Future(() => null);

streamTask.cancel(); // or pool.cancel(streamTask)
(value) => print('received value: $value'), // may be called for a few values
onError: (e) => print('received error: $e')); // will receive a CancelledException

valueTask.cancel(); // or pool.cancel(valueTask)
final result = await valueTask.value; // should get the task's result
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Cancellation Tokens #
To notify workers of a cancellation, Squadron 3 provides the CancellationToken class implementing the base functionality for cancellation tokens. To ensure workers are notified of a token's cancellation, the token must be provided to the worker. Cancellation notifications are posted to workers regardless of the maxParallel concurrency settings. It is the responsibility of the worker service (your code) to verify the token status and abort processing when requested. To ensure the cancellation can be processed, you code must therefore be asynchronous. If the service is essentially CPU-bound, this can be achieved by awaiting a simple Future(() {}).
When a token is cancelled, all tasks associated with the token will be cancelled. A CancelledException will be thrown and the code that started the worker task will receive it.
Squadron provides 3 kinds of cancellation tokens:

CancellationToken: a cancellation token that can be triggered programmatically by calling CancellationToken.cancel().
TimeOutToken: a cancellation token that will be cancelled automatically after a given duration. Timeout countdown starts when the task is effectively posted to a worker.
CompositeToken: a cancellation token monitoring several other tokens. A CompositeToken will be cancelled automatically upon cancellation of one of the tokens (CompositeMode.any) or all of them (CompositeMode.all).

class SampleService implements WorkerService {
Future io({required int milliseconds, CancellationToken? token}) async {
if (token?.cancelled ?? false) throw CancelledException();
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: milliseconds));

Future cpu({required int milliseconds, CancellationToken? token}) async {
final sw = Stopwatch()..start();
var count = 0;
while (sw.elapsedMilliseconds < milliseconds) {
if (count % 1000 == 0) {
// avoid flooding the event loop with noop futures, check every 1000 iterations only
await Future(() {});
if (token?.cancelled ?? false) throw CancelledException();

// command ids
static const ioCommand = 1;
static const cpuCommand = 2;

// map of command ids to implementatons
Map<int, CommandHandler> get operations => {
ioCommand: (WorkerRequest r) => io(milliseconds: r.args[0], token: r.cancelToken),
cpuCommand: (WorkerRequest r) => cpu(milliseconds: r.args[0], token: r.cancelToken),
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// create a token
final token = CancellationToken();
// trigger cancellation after 500 ms
// in real world, token.cancel() would be called in reaction to an event such as a user action for instance
// this is similar to a timeout token except that countdown starts immediately
Timer(Duration(milliseconds: 500), token.cancel);

// start a computation lasting 1000 ms
// pass the token to the service + the pool
// a CancelledException will be thrown after 500 ms
await pool.execute((w) => w.cpu(milliseconds: 1000, token));
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the token received by workers will not have the same runtime type as the token passed to the worker. The service code should not make any assumption on the token's runtime type and should only manipulate generic CancellationToken objects.
the same cancellation token may be used to control cancellation of several tasks.
when using a TimeOutToken, the timeout countdown will only start when the task is effectively posted to the worker for execution. If the token is shared across several tasks, the countdown starts with the first worker and applies to all workers.

Worker Monitoring #
Monitoring workers in a pool can be done with a simple timer. For instance, to stop workers after a given idle period:
// install worker monitor
final timer = Timer.periodic(refreshDuration, (timer) {
pool.stop((w) => w.idleTime > maxIdle);
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Please note that some idle workers may remain alive, depending on the minWorker concurrency setting.
To stop all workers, simply call the pool's stop() method with no predicate.
// stops all workers
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All workers will be stopped as soon as all tasks registered with the pool have been processed. Of course, it is possible to cancel pending tasks before stopping the worker pool.
// cancels pending tasks and stops all workers
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The pool will not accept new tasks unless it is restarted with pool.start().
Logging & Debug Mode #
Squadron provides a minimal logging infrastructure to facilitate logging and debugging. The interface to log messages is similar to that of the logging package, including compatible log levels.
To enable logging in the main application, simply set the appropriate log level and install a logger. Squadron provides two simple loggers out of the box:

DevSquadronLogger where messages are logged via dart:developper's log() method
ConsoleSquadronLogger where messages are logged with the print() method

For instance:
// this is your main app entry point
void main() {
Squadron.logLevel = SquadronLogLevel.warning;
Squadron.logger = DevSquadronLogger();
// ... and then the rest of your code
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When your app fires up a worker, the log level will be passed on to the platform worker automatically. Squadron 4.x also automatically supports logging in workers and there is no need to initialize a logger in worker code. Log messages from workers will be sent to the main thread (depending on the worker's log level) which facilitates logging form workers in Web apps. Please note that logging impacts performance as messages must be transferred from the worker thread to the main thread.
Additionally, Squadron 4.x provides a debug log level which is even finer than the finest log level. Used in combination with Squadron.debugMode = true, this log level allows for displaying log messages even though the current log level is above debug.
Also, when Squadron.debugMode is set to true, the travelTime property of WorkerRequest and WorkerResponse will contain the time elapsed between the moment the message was serialized (on the emitting end) and deserialized (on the receiving end). This duration is expressed in microseconds and includes the time it took to transfer the message from one thread to another, as well as the delay due to the receiving thread's event loop (the message may have to wait before it is picked up by the event loop) and the delay to deliver the message when using a pool of workers (the message may have to wait for a worker to become available).
Releasing Your App #
Releasing your application for Dart Native platforms should be straightforward.
To release the Browser version, the worker code must first be compiled to JavaScript:
dart compile js lib/src/browser/service_worker.dart -o web/service_worker.dart.js
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Flutter's Web runtime includes a service worker called flutter_service_worker.js: make sure you use a different name for your workers to avoid any conflict! After compiling your worker scripts, you can build your app using:
flutter build web
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Thanks! #

Saad Ardati for his patience and feedback when implementing Squadron into his Flutter application.
Martin Fink for the feedback on Squadron's Stream implementation -- this has resulted in huge progress and a major improvement!
Klemen Tusar for providing a sample Chopper JSON decoder leveraging Squadron.


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