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startapp sdk (StartApp) SDK #
A Flutter plugin that uses native platform views to show ads from network.
Android Demo
iOS Demo
Supported formats #
Rewarded Video
Supported platforms #
Installation #
Add this to your pubspec.yaml file:
startapp_sdk: '<LATEST_VERSION>'
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Install package from the command line:
flutter pub get
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Android specific setup #
Add your App ID to your app's AndroidManifest.xml file by adding the <meta-data> tag shown below.
You can find your App ID on the Portal. For android:value insert your App ID in quotes,
as shown below.
<!-- TODO replace YOUR_APP_ID with actual value -->
android:value="YOUR_APP_ID" />
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Return Ads are enabled by default. If you want to disable it, add another <meta-data> tag
into AndroidManifest.xml file.
<!-- TODO Return Ad controlled by the android:value below -->
android:value="false" />
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Splash Ads are enabled by default. If you want to disable it, add <provider> tag into
AndroidManifest.xml file with another <meta-data> tag nested in that provider as shown below.
<!-- TODO Splash Ad controlled by the android:value below -->
android:value="false" />
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iOS specific setup #
Add your App ID to your app's Info.plist for key com.startapp.sdk.APPLICATION_ID
You can find your App ID on the Portal.
<!-- TODO replace YOUR_APP_ID with actual value -->
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Return Ads are enabled by default. If you want to disable it, set NO for com.startapp.sdk.RETURN_ADS_ENABLED in yourInfo.plist.
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Splash Ads are disabled by default. If you want to enable it, set YES for com.startapp.sdk.SPLASH_ADS_ENABLED key in yourInfo.plist.
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Usage #
Plugin initialization #
Get an instance of StartAppSdk by calling it's default constructor.
It's safe to call this constructor multiple times - you'll get the same singleton instance.
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
var startAppSdk = StartAppSdk();
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Test mode #
Always use test mode during app development, but don't forget to disable it before production.
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
var startAppSdk = StartAppSdk();
void initState() {
// TODO make sure to comment out this line before release
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Banner, Mrec, Cover #
Each instance of StartAppBannerAd is linked to an underlying native view. It's refreshing
automatically, so you must load it only once and keep an instance of StartAppBannerAd.
Creating multiple banner instances is not prohibited, but this can affect performance of your app.
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
var startAppSdk = StartAppSdk();
StartAppBannerAd? bannerAd;
void initState() {
// TODO make sure to comment out this line before release
// TODO use one of the following types: BANNER, MREC, COVER
startAppSdk.loadBannerAd(StartAppBannerType.BANNER).then((bannerAd) {
setState(() {
this.bannerAd = bannerAd;
}).onError<StartAppException>((ex, stackTrace) {
debugPrint("Error loading Banner ad: ${ex.message}");
}).onError((error, stackTrace) {
debugPrint("Error loading Banner ad: $error");
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Center(
child: Column(
children: [bannerAd != null ? StartAppBanner(bannerAd!) : Container()],
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Interstitial #
In opposite to banners, each instance of StartAppInterstitialAd can be displayed only once.
You have to load new instance in order to shown an interstitial ad another time.
You must assign null to the corresponding field after the ad was shown.
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
var startAppSdk = StartAppSdk();
StartAppInterstitialAd? interstitialAd;
void initState() {
// TODO make sure to comment out this line before release
void loadInterstitialAd() {
startAppSdk.loadInterstitialAd().then((interstitialAd) {
setState(() {
this.interstitialAd = interstitialAd;
}).onError<StartAppException>((ex, stackTrace) {
debugPrint("Error loading Interstitial ad: ${ex.message}");
}).onError((error, stackTrace) {
debugPrint("Error loading Interstitial ad: $error");
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Center(
child: ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () {
if (interstitialAd != null) {
interstitialAd!.show().then((shown) {
if (shown) {
setState(() {
// NOTE interstitial ad can be shown only once
this.interstitialAd = null;
// NOTE load again
return null;
}).onError((error, stackTrace) {
debugPrint("Error showing Interstitial ad: $error");
child: Text('Show Interstitial'),
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Rewarded Video #
Similar to the Interstitial Ad, each instance of StartAppRewardedVideoAd can be displayed only once.
You have to load new instance in order to shown a rewarded video another time.
You must assign null to the corresponding field after the ad was shown.
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
var startAppSdk = StartAppSdk();
StartAppRewardedVideoAd? rewardedVideoAd;
void initState() {
// TODO make sure to comment out this line before release
void loadRewardedVideoAd() {
onAdNotDisplayed: () {
debugPrint('onAdNotDisplayed: rewarded video');
setState(() {
// NOTE rewarded video ad can be shown only once
this.rewardedVideoAd = null;
onAdHidden: () {
debugPrint('onAdHidden: rewarded video');
setState(() {
// NOTE rewarded video ad can be shown only once
this.rewardedVideoAd = null;
onVideoCompleted: () {
debugPrint('onVideoCompleted: rewarded video completed, user gain a reward');
setState(() {
// TODO give reward to user
).then((rewardedVideoAd) {
setState(() {
this.rewardedVideoAd = rewardedVideoAd;
}).onError<StartAppException>((ex, stackTrace) {
debugPrint("Error loading Rewarded Video ad: ${ex.message}");
}).onError((error, stackTrace) {
debugPrint("Error loading Rewarded Video ad: $error");
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Center(
child: ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () {
if (rewardedVideoAd != null) {
rewardedVideoAd!.show().onError((error, stackTrace) {
debugPrint("Error showing Rewarded Video ad: $error");
return false;
child: Text('Show Rewarded Video'),
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Native #
In opposite to banners, native ad can't be refreshed automatically. You must take care about
interval of reloading native ads. Default interval for reloading banners is 45 seconds, which
can be good for native ads as well. Make sure you don't load native ad too frequently, cause this
may negatively impact your revenue.
IMPORTANT: You must not handle touch/click events from widgets of your native ad. Clicks are handled
by underlying view, so make sure your buttons or other widgets doesn't intercept touch/click events.
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
var startAppSdk = StartAppSdk();
StartAppNativeAd? nativeAd;
void initState() {
// TODO make sure to comment out this line before release
startAppSdk.loadNativeAd().then((nativeAd) {
setState(() {
this.nativeAd = nativeAd;
}).onError<StartAppException>((ex, stackTrace) {
debugPrint("Error loading Native ad: ${ex.message}");
}).onError((error, stackTrace) {
debugPrint("Error loading Native ad: $error");
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Center(
child: nativeAd != null
? // TODO build your own custom layout
: Container(),
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Additional parameters #
If you want to customize the ad request being sent to the server, you should pass an instance of
StartAppAdPreferences as named parameter prefs to any of loading method of class StartAppSdk.
You can find all available parameters in the constructor of StartAppAdPreferences.
startAppSdk.loadBannerAd(type, prefs: const StartAppAdPreferences(
adTag: 'home_screen',
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startAppSdk.loadInterstitialAd(prefs: const StartAppAdPreferences(
adTag: 'game_over',
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startAppSdk.loadNativeAd(prefs: const StartAppAdPreferences(
adTag: 'scoreboard',
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Listen ad events #
If you want to do something when an ad event happens, you should pass a corresponding callback
while loading an ad.
Note: You have to call interstitialAd.dispose() after it has been used to prevent memory leak.
For banner it will be called automatically.
onAdImpression: () {
// do something
onAdClicked: () {
// do something
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onAdDisplayed: () {
// do something
onAdNotDisplayed: () {
// do something
interstitialAd = null;
onAdClicked: () {
// do something
onAdHidden: () {
// do something
interstitialAd = null;
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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