Supply Chain Blockchain | Coderz Product

Supply chain Blockchain

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JavaScript Solidity


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This project is a supply chain smart contract written in Solidity and deployed on the Rinkeby test network. This solution showcases how blockchain technology can enhance the authenticity, efficiency, and privacy of supply chain processes, focusing on the Parmigiano Reggiano supply chain.

The smart contract emulates the lifecycle of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, tracing its journey from the farmer to the consumer. It enforces access control for different roles (Farmer, Distributor, Retailer, and Consumer) and ensures transparency and accountability throughout the supply chain stages.


  1. Role-Based Access Control:

    • Four roles: Farmer, Distributor, Retailer, and Consumer.
    • Role-specific permissions implemented via Solidity modifiers.
  2. Supply Chain State Management:

    • Tracks the item through 12 distinct states, including production, packaging, shipping, and purchasing.
  3. Authenticity Verification:

    • Consumers can validate product authenticity and retrieve supply chain information.
  4. Event Logging:

    • Each state transition triggers a blockchain event for transparency.
  5. DApp Integration:

    • A decentralized application (DApp) for managing supply chain operations.
  6. Testing and Simulation:

    • Comprehensive test cases for all 16 supply chain functions using Truffle.


  • Development Environment:

    • Node.js v11.3.0 or later
    • Truffle v5.0.14
    • Solidity Compiler v0.5.0
    • Ganache (CLI or UI)
  • Dependencies:

    • Install via npm install in the project directory.
  • Blockchain Network:

    • Rinkeby Test Network for deployment and testing.


1. Clone the Repository



Copy code

git clone cd Ethereum_SupplyChain

2. Install Dependencies



Copy code

npm install

3. Compile Smart Contracts



Copy code

truffle compile

4. Deploy Contracts

  • To Local Ganache Instance:


    Copy code

    truffle migrate --network development --reset --all

  • To Rinkeby Network: Modify the truffle.js file with the appropriate from address and settings for the Rinkeby network.


    Copy code

    truffle migrate --network rinkeby --reset --all

5. Run Tests



Copy code

truffle test

6. Start the Frontend DApp

  • For Ganache:


    Copy code

    npm run dev

    • For Rinkeby:


      Copy code

      npm run dev


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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