Swipe To Action | Coderz Repository


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swipe to action

swipe_to_action #
A widget which can be used to call functions when the wrapped child is dragged or flinged. Only intended to work with horizontal swipes.

Aware of input type (touch, mouse, stylus), allowed types can be passed.
Allows calling different functions depending on swipe direction.
Allows different backgrounds depending on swipe direction.
Allows calling a confirmation function before calling intended function.

Getting Started #
Import the package
import 'package:swipe_to_action/swipe_to_action.dart';
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And use Swipeable class, for example:
key: ValueKey("Some key, required"),
onSwipe: (direction) {
if (direction == SwipeDirection.startToEnd) {
// do something
} else {
// do something else
// Widget to display below.
// If [secondaryBackground] is defined, only works when swiping from start to end.
// Optional.
background: Container(color: Colors.green),
// Widget to display below if swiping from end to start.
// Only works if [background] is defined
// Optional.
secondaryBackground: Container(color: Colors.teal),
// Function to call before calling onSwipe. If it returns false,
// swipe is aborted and onSwipe is not called.
// Optional.
confirmSwipe: (direction) async {
return true;
// By default swiping works only with touch or stylus. You may alter this
// by specifying device kinds to use. This is a list of all device kinds.
allowedPointerKinds = {

child: /* required */,
copied to clipboard
All arguments are documented: you may refer to IntelliSense, source code or API docs.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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