Tap Exchangeratehost 0.1.2 | Coderz Product

tap-exchangeratehost 0.1.2

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tapexchangeratehost 0.1.2

A Singer tap to extract currency exchange rate
data from exchangerate.host.
pip install tap-exchangeratehost

tap-exchangeratehost -c config.json
If you omit config file, the exchange rates are pulled with EUR as
base currency for the date of execution.
About this project
This tap was inspired by tap-exchangeragesapi.
It was developed as a replacement of it after the original data source
(https://exchangeratesapi.io) started to require a signup and access key,
which is not ideal for the first example of singer.io.
Developed by ANELEN and friends. Please check out the ANELEN's
open innovation philosophy and other projects

Copyright © 2021~ Anelen Co., LLC


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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