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taurexemcee 0.4.0rc1
taurex-emcee is a plugin for TauREx 3.1 that provides the Emcee sampler by Dan Foreman-Mackey & contributors for the retrieval.
Table of contents
Table of contents
How to install
Install from PyPI
Install from source code
Test your installation
Build the html documentation
Build the pdf documentation
How to contribute
How to cite
How to install
Instructions on how to install taurex-emcee.
Install from PyPI
taurex-emcee is available on PyPI and can be installed via pip as
pip install taurex_emcee
Install from source code
taurex-emcee is compatible (tested) with Python 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10
To install from source, clone the repository and move inside the directory.
Then use pip as
pip install .
Test your installation
Try importing taurex-emcee as
python -c "import taurex_emcee"
You can verify if the plugin is functioning by seeing if TauREx successfully detects taurex-emcee.
taurex --plugins
If there are no errors then the installation was successful!
taurex-emcee comes with a documentation, which can be built using Sphinx.
The documentation includes a tutorial, a user guide and a reference guide.
To build the documentation, install the needed packages first via:
pip install -e ".[docs]"
Build the html documentation
To build the html documentation, move into the docs directory and run
make html
The documentation will be produced into the build/html directory inside docs.
Open index.html to read the documentation.
Build the pdf documentation
To build the pdf, move into the docs directory and run
make latexpdf
The documentation will be produced into the build/latex directory inside docs.
Open taurex_emcee.pdf to read the documentation.
The developers use pdflatex; if you have another compiler for LaTex, please refer to sphinx documentation.
How to contribute
You can contribute to taurex-emcee by reporting bugs, suggesting new features, or contributing to the code itself.
If you wish to contribute to the code, please follow the steps described in the documentation under Developer guide.
How to cite
A dedicated publication has been submitted and the relative information will be published soon.
In the meanwhile, please, send an email to the developers.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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