Tech Cube Ecommerce | Coderz Product

Tech Cube - Ecommerce

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React Web app ChakraUI
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Tech Cube is a modern e-commerce platform specializing in selling a wide range of electronic gadgets and products, including mobile phones, laptops, smartwatches, televisions, and more. The website offers a seamless shopping experience, incorporating cutting-edge technologies to deliver fast and interactive performance.


  • Product Listings:
    • Showcase a variety of electronic gadgets.
    • Organized into categories such as mobiles, laptops, watches, and TVs.
  • Product Details Page:
    • Detailed information about each product, including specifications and pricing.
  • Cart Management:
    • Add, update, or remove items from the cart.
    • View total cost and item count dynamically.
  • Search and Filter:
    • Quickly locate products using search functionality.
    • Filter products by category, price range, and ratings.
  • Responsive Design:
    • Fully optimized for desktop and mobile devices using Chakra UI.
  • State Management:
    • Seamless user experience through Redux for centralized state handling.
  • Backend with JSON-Server:
    • Mock API to simulate real-world backend operations.


  • Node.js (v14+)
  • npm or yarn package manager
  • Modern browser for testing (e.g., Chrome, Firefox)
  • Internet connection (for API calls and dependencies)


Frontend Setup

  1. Clone the repository:


    Copy code

    git clone <repository-url>

  2. Navigate to the frontend directory:


    Copy code

    cd frontend

  3. Install dependencies:


    Copy code

    npm install

  4. Start the development server:


    Copy code

    npm start

    The application will be accessible at http://localhost:3000.

Backend Setup

  1. Navigate to the backend directory:


    Copy code

    cd backend

  2. Install JSON-Server:


    Copy code

    npm install -g json-server

  3. Start JSON-Server:


    Copy code

    json-server --watch db.json --port 5000

    The mock API will be available at http://localhost:5000.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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