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TeleDart #
A clean implementation of Telegram bot API allows you to create your own easily.
Creating a Telegram bot #
In order to create a Telegram bot, you need to talk to @BotFather generating a bot token. Simply follow the instructions.
Usage #
Initialising the bot:
import 'package:teledart/teledart.dart';
import 'package:teledart/telegram.dart';
void main() {
final username = (await Telegram(BOT_TOKEN).getMe()).username;
var teledart = TeleDart(BOT_TOKEN, Event(username!));
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A simple usage example:
teledart.onMessage(keyword: 'Fight for freedom')
.listen((message) => message.reply('Stand with Hong Kong'));
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Using bot commands:
// Long way
teledart.onMessage(entityType: 'bot_command', keyword: 'start')
.listen((message) => teledart.sendMessage(, 'Hello TeleDart!'));
// Short way (recommended)
.listen((message) => message.reply('to Ukraine!'));
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Modifying Stream:
.onMessage(keyword: 'dart')
.where((message) => message.text?.contains('telegram') ?? false)
.listen((message) => message.replyPhoto(
// io.File('example/dash_paper_plane.png'),
caption: 'This is how the Dart Bird and Telegram are met'));
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Inline mode example:
teledart.onInlineQuery().listen((inlineQuery) => inlineQuery.answer([
id: 'ping',
title: 'ping',
inputMessageContent: InputTextMessageContent(
messageText: '*pong*', parseMode: 'MarkdownV2')),
id: 'ding',
title: 'ding',
inputMessageContent: InputTextMessageContent(
messageText: '*_dong_*', parseMode: 'MarkdownV2')),
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Bugs and feature requests #
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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