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tifft 0.1.2
Technical Indicators for Financial Trading
$ pip install -U tifft
Docker image
The image is available at Docker Hub.
$ docker image pull dceoy/tifft
Calculator Classes for Python
import numpy as np
from tifft.bollingerbands import BollingerBandsCalculator
from tifft.macd import MacdCalculator
from tifft.rsi import RsiCalculator
prices = np.random.randn(100) * 100
macdc = MacdCalculator(fast_ema_span=12, slow_ema_span=26, macd_ema_span=9)
df_macd = macdc.calculate(values=prices)
# Bollinger Bands
bbc = BollingerBandsCalculator(window_size=20, sd_multiplier=2)
df_bb = bbc.calculate(values=prices)
rsic = RsiCalculator(window_size=14, upper_line=70, lower_line=30)
df_rsi = rsic.calculate(values=prices)
Command-line Tools
Fetch the historical data of DJIA, SP500, and NASDAQ100 from FRED (St. Louis Fed).
$ tifft history DJIA SP500 NASDAQ100
Fetch the data of SP500 from FRED and calculate the MACD.
$ tifft macd SP500
Fetch the data of SP500 from FRED and calculate the Bollinger Bands.
$ tifft bb SP500
Fetch the data of SP500 from FRED and calculate the RSI.
$ tifft rsi SP500
Run tifft --help for information.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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