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topcoderdl 0.0.3
Downloads Topcoder data-science tutorials and save as PDF
Build from source
git clone ""
cd topcoder-dl
python install
Using pip
pip install topcoder-dl
Default config:
target : TopcoderPdf
Fetch single post
To fetch single tutorial, say Binary Search, run this in your shell
topcoderdl -p
Note: the above command will save the pdf in default directory
Fetch all tutorial in your custom directory
topcoderdl -t my_directory_abs_path
Note: If the directory do not exists then topcoder-dl will create a new
one else the PDFs will be saved in the exsting directory
Get help
topcoderdl -h
topcoderdl -p -t BSearch_TopCoder
The above command will fetch binary-search tutorial from TopCoder and
save its PDF in Bsearch_TopCoder directory
Have an idea to make it better? Go ahead! I will be happy to see a pull
request from you! :blush:
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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