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trainsjupyterplugin 0.2.1
TRAINS Jupyter Plugin
trains-jupyter-plugin is a jupyter notebook extension enabling users to push ipython notebooks to a git repository,
using the git button added to the notebook toolbar.
After saving a notebook, a user can push the notebook to a predefined git repository. The extension currently supports pushing to a predefined branch in the repository.
When clicking the version-control button:
The notebook .ipynb file will be pushed to the git repository based on the folder structure in which it is located
The notebook will also be converted to a .py script, pushed alongside the .ipynb file
A requirements.txt will be created and updated according to the notebook imports, and pushed alongside the .ipynb file
For example, if you have two repositories:
├── .git
└── experiment1/
└── notebook.ipynb
├── .git
└── experiment2/
└── notebook2.ipynb
notebook1.ipynb will be pushed to the repo1 repository, and notebook2.ipynb will be pushed to the repo2 repository.
In order to select the predefined branch into which the files will be pushed, use git checkout on the jupyter host machine.
For example, switch to branch2 in repo2:
$ cd ~/repo2
$ git checkout branch2
From this point onwards the jupyter notebook push will be done to the branch2 branch in the repo2 repository.
Install directly from pypi:
pip install trains-jupyter-plugin
if [ ! -f ~/.jupyter/ ]; then
jupyter notebook --generate-config
jupyter serverextension enable --py trains-jupyter-plugin
sudo jupyter nbextension install --py trains-jupyter-plugin
To enable the extension for all notebooks:
jupyter nbextension enable --py trains-jupyter-plugin
How to use
Install package using the commands above
Clone your git repository to a folder that will be assigned to a specific user
Checkout a specific branch for the current user
Make sure git is configured with the correct credentials
(we recommend verifying a password/passphrase is required when pushing)
Run jupyter notebook
Any commit/push of notebooks from this specific folder will be done to the selected branch
Thanks to Lab41/sunny-side-up & sat28/githubcommit for laying the foundations for this extension.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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