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Translit #
Simple dart package for converting Cyrillic symbols to Translit and back
Reverse transliteration into Cyrillic can not always completely convert the text to the original. Please keep this in mind when using this module in your projects.
Links #
See for major/breaking updates
Example with explain all features
Installation #
$ dart pub add translit
$ flutter pub add --dev translit
copied to clipboard
Usage #
Convert text to translit #
String text = Translit().toTranslit(source: 'Привет мир');
copied to clipboard
Привет мир > Privet mir!
Convert text from transliterated #
String text = Translit().unTranslit(source: 'Privet mir');
copied to clipboard
Privet mir > Привет мир
Contribute #
Please feel free to fork, improve, make pull requests or fill issues.
I'll be glad to fix bugs you encountered or improve the extension.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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